bcg with thick bladder lining does it work

I have had 6 bcg  and 6 week later a cystoscopy. A biopsy was done and i was told the bladder lining was thick ? will the bcg work if the bladder lining is thick. anyone out there please help


  • Hello Renny and thanks for posting, 

    I can understand you asking us, but I'm afraid I can't answer your question with any certainty.   

    I am not sure why the bladder lining is thick although it could just be some sort of inflammatory change in response to the BCG treatment. Further treatment with BCG may well still work, but this is something that the hospital team needs to confirm and they may need the biopsy results to complete the full picture before they can tell you.

    If you have a urology/bladder cancer nurse at the hospital you could try getting in touch with them. 

    I hope the hospital can tell you more soon.

    If you want to talk anything over please do give us a call on our Freephone number, 0808 800 40404, we are around weekdays 9-5.

    All the best,


  • Thank you for your reply It's no good ringing his cancer nurse because the phone never gets answered and my local doctor doesn't know anything about bladder cancer so who else can help me ?


  • Hello there Renny

    I am sorry to hear you are struggling to speak to a health professional involved in your care.

    I suggest calling the consultants secretary at the hospital to find out if they can get someone to get in contact with you. You can do this by asking for the named consultant secretary on the main hospital switchboard.

    I hope you find out more soon

    Take care
