Basal Cell Carcinoma

Hi, this is my first post.  I saw a GP back in May 2019 and I showed her a lump on my hairline, which I had caught when hair styling and made it bleed.  She said she would refer me to dermo and I would get a dermo appointment 'one day'.  Therefore I had little cause for concern. 

Fast forward to October 2020, I have not been seen by the hospital and now all dermo treatments have been suspended due to Covid.   I feel the lump has grown larger but because of Covid I haven't chased the GP until today.  I had a video consultation with a different GP and she thinks it is BCC.  Obviously now I am really worried that it may have spread.  I often get one sided headaches and migraine (that side) and I'm scared now that this BCC may have spread to my bones somehow.  Has anyone else had a BCC on their forehead/hairline?

  • Hi,

    Basal Cell Carcinoma isn't invasive so it doesn't spread internally. If not removed, it can spread on the skin though and look unsightly. They tend to appear on the face, especially the forehead, as that area is exposed to the sun the most. If it is a BCC it is easily treated, either by use of a topical cream or surgical removal.

    Has your GP now referred you to dermatology or have they prescribed a cream to use?

    Angie (melanoma patient)

  • Hi Angie, 


    thank you for replying and setting my mind at ease a bit.  The GP I spoke to today has now referred me to dermo but she said all dermo appointments have been suspended due to Covid, so I'm looking at an appointment possibly Spring 2021.  I didn't realise there was a topical cream, maybe I'll ask if I could try that in the meantime.


    It was the mention of carcinoma today which shocked and worried me.


    Thanks again and take care



  • Hi LilyRose. Welcome to the forum.

    I am not a doctor but I hope I can set your mind at rest.

    It is really really unlikely for a BCC (Basal Cell Carcinoma, or "Rodent ulcer") to spread to other parts of the body.  Estimates are that only 1 in some tens of thousands of BCCs actually do spread.

    If left neglected for a period of years, then a BCC can become an ulcerated and potentially disfiguring mess, but you are a long way away from that situation, and neither you nor your GP will allow your BCC to get anything like that bad.

    Since it is so unlikely that your BCC has spread already, it follows that your migraines are also unlikely to be connected with it, nor will it have spread to your bones.

    I personally have known a couple of people who've had BCC treated by simple surgery and they've had no problems afterwards. I'm sure your case will be equally simple - once you can actually get treatment.  It might be worth discussing with your GP whether you can be referred to a different hospital which is still operating normally.





  • thank you Telemando, that is reassuring to hear and I appreciate you taking the time to reply to me.  Take care

  • My wife got what we thought was a cold sore on her top just off centre, as you do we treated it with cream, thought it'd gone, it came back treated again it shrunk then got bigger so went to Dr he said straight away it's cancer so made specialist appointment i went in with my wife, specialist said he could take it out now or have another to remove it later, wife said do it now so he got a nurse in with scalpels and things, injected her lip and cut it out and stitched it up said to get Dr 's to get stitches out in a week, she's been fine for about 15 years now and no scar either.

    All that time i sat watching good job i didn't faint. 

    Best wishes and don't worry. 



  • Hi


    I have and had it removed on Monday, I have just wrote a post as found things online to be fairly negative. Feel free to message me if you want to talk about it. I know I could have done with that. 

  • Hi MelW


    Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post.  Please may I ask if you are in the UK?  as my GP said that dermo were not seeing patients and I would probably not be seen until at least March 2021.  I am a born worrier so i sit here doing the worst thing possible, looking at images on the internet and wondering 'what if' it spreads.  I am seriously thinking of going private for an initial consultation but then, if i need treatment, not sure how I could afford that.  

    Also, please how did they remove it?  


    Thanks in advance

  • Hi


    Yes I am in Southampton, they should refer you under the 2 week wait process, you need to call them and ask you to do that as any suspected cancer should be seen at the hospital within 2 weeks even with Covid..where are you? 

    I am exactly the same and I went to some really dark places on Google. How long has it been there? I thought mine had been there a few months but looking back at photos it may have been there a few years.

    They injected the area to numb it like you would have at the dentist and then they literally just cut it out. I have a fairly long scar which is still raw, it will fade over time. 

    I also had headaches and worried but they are a stand alone thing and the consultant said that it wouldn't cause any headaches. 

    I still have one on my arm that they didn't get to yesterday, it is about the size of a pea and they were not stressing about it at all they said they will remove it after Christmas. This is how mild they are. I had 3 in total in different places on my body and I was terrified that they had spread bit they are 100% certain that this is not the case as this type doesn't spread. 

    The consultant I saw said that unless they left for years and years and are the size of a golf ball then they do not spread. 

    The Internet can be a really dark place. 

    Please do not worry it will be OK but I would call the doctors and ask for the referral as soon as you can. I know it is so easy to say because I have been where you are but they are treatable. 



  • Hi


    I am in Buckinghamshire.

    Thank you, I will call my GP again on Friday (she doesn't work Thursdays) and see if she can chase it up a bit.  To me, it seems to have changed shape a bit in the last few weeks.  There is also a mole near my ear which I'm worried about too, which I want to show her.  I don't like 'chasing them up' or 'being a nuisance' but I'm going to have to.


    I get headaches/migraine the side of the BCC so, as you can imagine, I'm thinking all sorts of worse case scenarios.  


    I am so glad that you got treated so quickly and I hope I can get seen soon too to stop me worrying.  


    Thank you again for your kind words and reassurance.


  • No problem, I was googling things like brain tumours and all sorts so I can imagine exactly how you are feeling. Don't feel like you are being a pain, they expect people to be worried. Mine changed too and that is one of the reasons I went, take pictures every day, that is what I did and I showed them when I was there. I am keeping my fingers crossed you get seen soon to stop you worrying. As soon as you see someone you will feel much better. Please update the thread as I would like to know how you got on.