Back pain

Hi - I have had 4 rounds of R-ChOP therapy and I am suffering the most excrutiating back ache?  Can you offer any help wth recommended pain meds.  Usual ibuprofen and paracetamol are not helping. 

Thank you


  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    I am sorry to hear about your back pain. Do discuss this with your hospital team or your GP. They need to assess your back pain fully.

    You may benefit from some codeine or a paracetamol and codeine combination. This would have to be prescribed if at a higher dose than over the counter preparations. It depends on the nature of your back pain as well. As you may benefit from painkillers that work on irritated nerves such as the drug Gabapentin, which has to be prescribed.

    We have information on painkillers on our link below,

    I hope that this is helpful,

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Yours sincerely,
