Awaiting results from breast biopsy

My mum passed away from breast cancer at 51 when I was 22.

In January I found a lump which seemed to appear out of no where. It was quite large and didn't disappear after my period so got it checked. Yesterday I had a specialist look at it and he said it feels like a fatty lump and most likely benign. That calmed my nerves quite a bit. He said P3. Then I had to have a ultrasound which made the ultrasound person a bit concerned and she had to do a biopsy as she wasn't sure what was going on. She said my lymph nodes look fine though so I guess that's positive. I spoke to the consultant after and he said the ultrasound lady says P3/p4 but will have to see what the results come back as as to what happens next.

Now today I am so worried it's something sinister and can't stop getting upset  (that time if the month approaching isn't helping!) I think it's bringing up all the feelings from my mum's illness and passing as I don't think I dealt with it at the time. I have two young children and I am just so scared this is bad and they won't grow up with me. 

How do you deal with the wait? I have an appointment booked for two weeks time for the results 

  • Hi Radarfan,

    you on the right path, no matter the outcome - if it is nothing, and we all have to remember that the majority are, then you will be calmed, and if it is a more pressing outcome then you gain the treatment that you need.

    the waiting is difficult, for sure.

    i am on 'my last sleep' before my test results tomorrow, and at times my mind races - for tomorrow my world could change, but I take comfort from being on the right path. (I won't lie, at times I'm a nervous wreck!) 

    keep things as real and normal as possible, tell a few people what you are going through, that way you can get support, and not wear out one person with your worries.

    ive told my work, owing to the time needed for the appointments, and that as a single parent I'm facing it a little alone - they have been so supportive, and even offered someone to drive me there if needed. Do reach out - people will want to support you x

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I really hope you get the news you want tomorrow, will be thinking of you.

    I have been trying to keep everything as normal at home with routines and such and next week's half term so that will definitely keep me busy.

    This page seems so supportive  


  • Really hope you got good news today x

  • Hi Radarfan,

    thank you for thinking of me.

    so, my results...breast cancer stage 2, other results to come back to determine treatment pathway - they are on Monday, but regardless my surgery is booked for 19/03.

    it is calming to know what I am dealing with, and my plan, and that of my consultant is that I will have finished my treatment by Christmas.

    it wasn't exactly the best of news, BUT let me be clear, finally having a plan is better than no idea of the way forward.

    im here for you, you can say anything you want to me, you greatest ever fears, or even a joke - humour can be found.  

    Be thinking of you x

  • I am glad you have a plan now and can be working towards an end goal. 

    That's a really good way of breaking it down into manageable chunks with the three week blocks. In one go seems overwhelming but small chunks seems much more doable. 

    Thank you so much for your kind words 

    Always here to lend an ear as well x

  • Got a call this morning. Saying my results are back early and I can go to clinic tomorrow and get the results. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing but my mind's in overdrive now. I have an early morning appointment tomorrow so at least I won't have to wait to long at the hospital hopefully.

  • Turns out I do have cancer. Found a 27mm lump. Waiting back for histology for more information. Just had a mammogram and waiting for a blood test. MRI in a few weeks then we can make a plan. Nothing in my lymph nodes as far as they can tell so that's something.