Awaiting biopsy results

Hi everyone,

I wonder whether anyone has had this experience. My dad was taken into hospital for headaches and after a CT scan was told that he had numerous tumours, liver, skull, colon and lymph. However, after his pet scan and a colonoscopy and endoscopy, was told that he has tumours on his skull, hip and clavicle, but nothing on his colon, lymph, and liver tumour doesn't seem to be metabolically active. His blood work is completely clear. But his physiology is presenting as someone with advanced cancer. Does anyone know if this is common? Anyway, he finally has a bone biopsy scheduled for Friday, but am terrified the results will show bone metastasis. But am equally worried that the results will be inconclusive, and that he will get no treatment. He has lost so much weight and his speech is affected. Any experience in this would be much appreciated. Thanks.

  • Hi AdderB,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to read about your dad, and I can only imagine how difficult this is as well as potentially confusing too.

    It may be best to discuss this sort of thing with your dad's doctor/consultant, in terms of how common it is.

    If you'd like to talk anything through with our nurses, you can reach them on 0808 800 4040 - Monday-Friday, 9-5.

    Wishing you all the best and I hope you're able to find out more soon,

    Cancer Chat Moderator