Awaiting biopsy results

Hi all, newbie here.

I know they say never google but it's human nature too right

I noticed a pea sized lump in my right breast a couple of months ago. I thoughts I'd monitor and see how it went over a cycle or two and if it changed or went away. Well, it got bigger so I called the gp. They examined me and referred me to the breast screening clicic at my local hospital. They examined me and sent me down for a scan. Turns out it's a solid mass over 3cm by now. So, it's not a cyst but they weren't sure it it was just a fatty lump or a polly something. I'm only 35 and no family history so they have said my chances of cancer is extremely slim but they've done biopsies anyway. They said due to covid, I'll probably recieve my results over the phone on Wednesday. I'd also like to think the phone appointment is a good sign, surely they don't deliver bad news over the phone?! 

Anyways, so that's where I'm at. Fingers crossed eh!

  • Hi there,

    Thought i would say halloo and yeah try not to google!  Although I did exactly the same thing, diagnosed myself before i even got the results, so easy too these days.  That's good they saw you so quickly as i know there have been delays with covid so fingers crossed for next week.  Majority of the time, 80% its not cancerous so try not to worry. 

    Hugs and good luck for Wednesday.


  • Hi  

    Thank you for replying. I keep telling myself that it's going to be ok and most of me believes it, just that niggling voice going what if. I'm 35 so age is on my side right? But I have 3 children and I just keep thinking about them. 

    Wednesday can't come quick enough! 

    Thank you for the hugs and right back at you xxxx

  • Hi there,

    How was your appointment?  Hope it all went ok and good news :)

    I had a mammogram today and just remembered you were at hopsital yesterday.

    Hugs xx

  • Hi,


    So sorry for the delayed reply. I'm so happy that it was good news. I have a benign tumour that poses no risks but the doctors wanted to see me to discuss surgery options.

    It was a horrible experience as the lady in the cubicle opposite wasn't as lucky and I could hear every word of her consultation so I know she could hear mine. I was so happy but I cried for her. My husband instantly thought the worst when I came out teary but I gave him our good news and we drove home with such a feeling of relief. I feel terrible for making people worry but I couldn't have got through without their support. 

    Mich8 thank you for checking back. When do you get your results back? Xxx

  • Hi there,

    That is great news!  Will they operate then?

    Aww that is a difficult situation, I'm surprised they didn't have her in a separate room. Dont worry about that, thats what these forums are for :)

    I'll get my results in 4 to 5 weeks, they will write to me.  I'm not too worried, still dealing with treatment on me left breast, or lack off lol!

    Take care of yourself
