At the hospital tomorrow, worried sick.

i went to doctors with pain in back and bottom of stomach been going on for months ive had no bleeding or discharge i had an uktra sound and they said ive  got a patch on my uterus but all my tests are clear im seeing hospital tommorow ive looked on internet and frigjtened myself to death im worried sick any advice

  • No medical advice I'm afraid but just to say I've also got an appt tomorrow with my GP & one with a consultant on Saturday - I'm dreading both as you are. I keep telling myself it's best to know what's really going on. But really just want it all to go away. I imagine you feel exactly the same.

    I'm sure others on the site will be along to offer support & maybe some advice.

    Very good luck tomorrow.

    Kind regards


  • Hi Bernie

    The main piece of advice I would give you is to keep off the internet. We can google symptoms and always come up with the worst case scenario, and much on google is out dated. Some is simply nonsense. But it feeds your fear, and that’s not good for you.

    what I would also say is don’t worry until you have something to worry about. The period while you wait for results or a diagnosis is awful for all of us, and our minds race ahead, imagining all sorts. 

    I hope you get good results at the hospital-in any event, once you know what you are dealing with, things become easier. Do let us know how you get on. xx

  • Hi bernie, if you're worried take someone with you for company, as minska said don't Google,. All you do is scare yourself more,. Best wishes, 


  • That’s good advice from Billy about taking someone along to the appointment. Another pair of ears is very handy when you’re stressed and anxious.