At peace

Hi to everyone. Haven't been on for a while. My husband Don passed away in the early hours this morning. He passed peacefully in his sleep. 11 months ago we got his terminal diagnosis only expecting a few more months together. We got a few extra. He was ready and I'm sure he had a slight smile at the end. Thanks to everyone for your support for the last months it was a great help.


  • Hi Sue, 

    I just saw your post and wanted to offer my heartfelt condolences on Don's passing.

    I'm really glad he had a peaceful departure and you were able to have almost a year together to make memories you can treasure forever.

    We will always be here when you need us Sue.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Please accept my condolences. Know that you are not alone. My dad passed almost two years ago, and he was my mother's life partner for 60 years! They were together since she was 15 years old and he was 20. She reminds me that she's known him almost double the amount of time that I did so I can only imagine that she is feeling double the pain that I feel. Mine is different as I am his daughter and lost a parent but mom lost her husband, like you. I know you might feel lost but please know that your husband is still with you just in a different way. Rest assured that your husband is no longer suffering, and that he is new and whole again, and dancing in the Lord's glory. You will rejoice together again.