
Hi everyone

I've posted on here several times, most of it positive. It's almost 2 years since my diagnosis of stage 4 ovarian cancer. On the whole, I've kept fairly well and side effects of chemo not too bad. However, the dreaded ascites has built up again for the first time. My current chemo is caelyx and carboplatin, which seems to be working as my ca125 has halved and the disease showing no signs of progression. It is really getting me down, although I'm due to have it drained on the 10th July, it seems ages away! They want to do it as near to my next treatment as possible to reduce the risk of infection. My left leg is also swollen and full of fluid, which is also uncomfortable. 

I try and keep positive and everyone says I'm doing really well, but it's so hard sometimes, especially with the physical symptoms of the swollen abdomen and the leg!

Anyway, moan over.. onwards and upwards!

Take care everyone




  • I'm sorry to hear the ascites have built up again Jan.

    It must be very frustrating having to wait until the 10th July to have it drained but hopefully that time will pass quicker than you think. If it is starting to get really unmanageable and impacting on your day-to-day life it may be worth getting in touch with your doctor or medical team just to see if they can move it and your next treatment forward slightly.

    Onwards and upwards like you say Jan but do feel free to vent here whenever you're having a bad day or when times get tough as we'll always be here to listen and offer support when you need it.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator