As much information as possible please

Hi, I just learned that a friend has stage 4 ovarian, liver & bowel cancer. I am completely flawed. What does this mean? Treatable? Terminal? Some hope? No hope? How long? How little? Just everything please. She has 3 daughters


  • Hi there ...

    So sorry your friend is going through this ... there are so many different cancer diagnosis.... the one person who can tell you is your friend ...  maybe when she has time to prosses what they have said, she may be able to tell you more ... 


  • Hi little it can vary a lot how big the cancer is. I was stage 4 over 3 years ago most C is treatable it's mainly if the pacient is OK with the treatment. If treatment works life span can change as well. It's all on strength of pacient and strength of treatment. Hope it turns out OK go luck.
