Appointment within one week of biopsy...


My Mum had a biopsy earlier this week. This is following bloods and multiple endoscopies, X-Rays, CTs and MRIs over the course of the last month. Cannot fault the speed at which things have progressed, particularly with the strain the NHS are under at present and i'm so grateful for this. 

Today she received a letter and has been called to an appointment at the oncology dept next week - taking place exactly one week after the biopsy. 

I am trying my best to be positive and strong but really struggling with how quick a turn around this is when everything i had read indicated up to a two week wait even for results. It feels as if we are in for bad news and I am broken. 

Just looking for a hand hold and some experiences please. I am going to the appointment with her. How can I prepare for this? Are there things I should be prepared to ask if she is diagnosed? 

Just a bit lost really. 

  • Morning [@lonelily]‍ 


    So sorry to hear that you are going through this and that you are worrying about your mum.

    On the side of Biopsy results, pre covid, results were normally back within about 5-7 days, Back in August 2020 when I was diagnosed, I got my results back 5 days after my biopsy, I can only assume that they give a timescale longer now due to the mass of biopsies that they are now dealing with.

    I am glad you are going to go with her, in my experience they will give you results over the phone where they can and only call you in when the news is not as good. So although you do not want to hear this, I think in your mind you already know this but as soon as someone tells you this it is going to bring the fear and worry to the foremost part of your mind. But I am not a Doctor or Nurse and know nothing of your Mum's symptoms or test results. So I am only saying what my experience has been. 

    I have been on the side of a loved one having cancer and being diagnosed with cancer myself, so I can honestly say that dealing with someone else who was diagnosed was a lot worse for me than the diagnosis for me. I have a completely different mindset in my own journey, but when it was my Nan, not being able to help her, not knowing what to do or say was just so hard and you feel helpless.

    The team are normally so patient and run through absolutely everything with you / your mum. They do not rush you through the appointment and give you time to take in the information and give you lots of leaflets. Without knowing what they are going to say, makes it harder to prepare for it or to know what to ask, on my appointment I didn't have questions as they were just so thorough on everything. It can be a lot of information to take in and your emotions will completely over run your thought processes. 

    Until the appointment, you are of course going to think the worse, but you also have to remember, that these days there are alot more treatments and surgeries available that doesn't mean that cancer is the death sentence it used to be and the quick turnaround that they are able to achieve now helps to save so many people. I really hope that despite the appointment things will not be as bad as you fear, please let us know how your Mum gets on and please feel free to message me if you need to talk.