Anybody refusing IV chemo for metastatic breast cancer

Hello I am absolutely gutted I had tripple negative breast cancer diagnosed in 2017.Had chemo,lumpectomy and surgery.after 2 years all clear ibstarted coughing 2 months ago.I went to GP which she send me to have X-rays and they found some nodules on my lungs.GP said "looks"like my cancer has returned but she send me for blood test and CT scan.I was living 2 years in a mouldy flat so I am hanging on to the hope that the cough is from that.And my cough is getting less and less so I am also confused whats going on.I dont have the CT results but I wanted to ask if anybody refused chemo for stage 4 cancer.I am only 42 but I had a terrible experience with chemo,i am sick of the needles and have left with anxiety.I dont want to waste my time if I cant be cured anymore.I am willing to do the tablets chemo or surgery or radiotherapy but not the IV chemo and sitting in the chair for 6 hours.Anybody refused treatment?

  • Hello Denise1977, 

    A warm welcome to Cancer Chat. I am so sorry to hear about your latest symptoms and I am keeping everything crossed for you as you are awaiting these important results. It won't be long now until you have some definite answers as to what is going on and it might be worth discussing your treatment options with your specialist and seeing what they recommend in your particular case. Try not to anticipate anything though at the moment if you can as you are still waiting to find out more. 

    We're keeping everything crossed for you that it turns out to be nothing to worry about. Do keep us updated in the coming days - we'll be thinking of you!

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator