Anybody else encountered this?

My Mum has had a lumpectomy for primary breast cancer. Radiotherapy was due to start about 6 wks post her surgery, however, after she went for the measuring and inking she developed an MRSA infection and they had to treat this before she could start her course of RT. This took rather a long time as the first antibiotics didn't work so they had to change them. We are now at 9wks post surgery and the infection seems to have gone and she was due to start RT on Monday. We received a text message today(!) saying that the team had met and it was decided she no longer suitable for RT anymore as the amount of time that had elapsed meant that there would be less benefit for her. She was all ready to go, measured and tattoed and now she's had the rug pulled from under her. What I wondered was if anyone else has had this happen to them? Apart from the time passing, medically, nothing else has changed. She's accepted that this is what has been decided but I can't help but think they just condemed her. Any advice or experiences of this would be greatly welcomed. Thanks.

  • Hello BethieBoo

    I'm sorry to hear that your Mum's radiotherapy was cancelled after an MRSA infection led to an extended delay in being well enough to start the treatment. It's understandable that you're feeling worried. 

    I know that there is some information that indicates that radiotherapy is only effective if given within a certain time frame of surgery so I'm sure that your Mum is not the only person to have found herself in this situation. Can I suggest that you give our team of nurses a call? I'm sure that they will be able to talk things through with you and hopefully explain some of the reasons that the MDT have made the decision that they have. They're available Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm on 0808 800 4040. I know they'd be happy to talk things through with you and will be able to offer some information and reassurance. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thanks Jenn, I really appreciate your comment. I was all guns blazing as I was angry about the MDT's decision, however, we've all spoken to my Mum and she's actually quite happy and really doesn't want to continue with any treatment. She says she's got her body back and she just wants to live her life. I can't really argue with that as it's her decision so I'm just going to have to keep my feelings on it quiet and support her the best I can. Thanks.