Any success stories of pregnancy after chemo?


I'm currently having treatment for tongue cancer. This is a six week treatment programme of daily radiotherapy and weekly chemotherapy. My chemotherapy drug is called Cisplatin and before treatment began I was told by my Oncologist that infertility isn't affected by this drug. However, when reading up on this, all I can find is that fertility is affected. I am only 33 and am deeply saddened by the news as I do not know what my future holds yet. I'm told I have a high chance of my cancer being cured which is amazing news but I'm very down hearted to hear that I may be infertile afterwards. How will I know if this is the case?

I just wondered if anyone has any experience of this or knows of anyone who did go on to have a child after Cisplatin or any other chemo drug. How do other women cope with this news if they find out they are infertile? This is on my mind such a lot at the moment.

Thanks for reading.

  • Hi Nicola

    I sort of came at this from a different angle but i throught i would post as it relates to fertility.I was 37 when they found my cancer .I was straight in at stage 4 so more children were definately not an option.I was on 6 rounds of high dose FEC(chemo) tamoxifen and the  injections(forgot what they are called) -all of which are suppose to bring on menapause.My periods did stop but i was still worried about getting pregnant, as while i could acept that more children was not an option i was not sure i could cope with the idea of an abortion. They tested my hormones and it turned out i was right to worry - in theory i could still have got pregnant-so hopefully this is a good sign for you

    I have  read of other women who went on to have children after chemo.

    Have you found the lavander trust site.It is for younger women so there will be people on there dealing with the same issues

    If you want a back up plan perhaps you could think about having your eggs frozen.

    I hope all goes as well as possiable

  • Hello Nicola,

    We do have some information about Cisplatin on our Cancer Help website. I wonder if it might be helpful for you to speak with one of our specialist nurse team. They are available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040 which is free to call from  a UK landline. They will be able to give you some information and advice.

    best wishes,


    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hi Jenn,

    Thanks for this information. Now that I'm starting to feel a bit better following my treatment I called this number today to ask for a little information on infertility and unfortunately the nurse I spoke to was most unhelpful. She didn't sound like she could even be bothered to even give me any information!! I got no where and ended the call feeling even more upset about the situation!

    May I suggest that when the call handlers don't know the answer then perhaps they could at least try and sound a little more helpful rather than rude as us cancer patients have already been through enough.

    I'm hoping all call handlers don't have the same attitude.



  • Hi Nicola

    I am really sorry that you had a bad experience when you called earlier.  I manage the nurse team and I will make sure all the nurses have seen your post.  Once again I am so sorry, please do get in touch with me if you'd like to discuss things with me further.


  • Hi Nichola

    I good friend of mine , has had cancer breast and now

    Lung cancer for a long time she has been on chemo

    For most of this time, after three years she ened up pregnant

    With her son who was born with no problems.

    I also read alot of young women before chemo freeze there

    Eggs incase they want more children later, maybe this could be

    An option just incase, I would speak to your doctor about your

    Concerns and what are your options. Good luck Hun x x

  • I know the worries! 

    2 and a half years ago I was diagnosed with TNBC at 24! I was heartbroken when they told me I wouldn’t have time for IVF before starting my 8 rounds of FEC-T. I was told by my oncologist that my fertility may be effected by the drug docetaxol. 


    I finished My chemotherapy on 17th Nov 2017. I am now 6 weeks pregnant  


    Try to believe! Believe you will be fine, and believe you will have those children. It can still happen for you! It did for me Good Luck with you’re treatment! Xx

  • Hi,


    In 2013 at age 45yrs I was diagnosed with HER2 estrogen receptor breast cancer. It had spread to the lymph nodes. I had 5 children at this time and had just finished breastfeeding my youngest. I underwent Chemotherapy, a Mastectomy and 28 rounds of Radiotherapy. I beat the cancer! I am now 52yrs old and 6 weeks pregnant with my 6th child! We were not trying for a baby AND my periods were practically non-existent! I had only one period in over 12months! Our bundle is due in April

    Miracles DO happen!

  • Hi Eileen 

    What a beautiful story ... Well Done beating ur cancer +congrats on baby no 6 news hope all went well for you through your pregnancy? I have just recentley been diagnosed with same cancer at 45 yrs old too , big massive shock like I am sure yiurs was also! Would live to get chatting to you r/e your cancer treatment if you'd b up for that ? I am awaiting to start my 1st chemo +am scared of what lies ahead for me. Any info wd be greatly welcome . 

  • Hello Annierob22,

    I am one of the nurses and because you have posed in the Ask the Nurse topic area I have seen your post. I need to tell you that because your post is a reply to someone that posted last in 2020 you might not get a reply as this person may have moved on and is no longer posting here.

    You might find it helpful to post in another topic area, you can see them to the left of this page.  You are also very welcome to ask us a question here in Ask the Nurses or you may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,
