Any advice please

Hello , 

my mother has today started radio therapy and once a week a chemo day . 

She has come home tonight totally not with it just simply exhausted can't keep eyes open 


has anyone experienced these side effects on first day before 

very worried family ! 

  • Hi there ... ive not had chemo or rads but theres lots on here who have, and i know theres days they are waked and have no energy... they also have good days, so if you look through posts of our regulars they can give you more help and advice then me ... it is a hard old road this cancer journey takes us on ... but having someone like you to hold their hand and walk along side them will be more help then you'll ever know ... 

    So hold on tight , it's a bumpy road ... and hopefully some of our ladies will pop along shortly ... Chrissie xx 

  • Hi Radiotherapy and chemo are both very tiring but also the stress before starting treatment catches up with you once you start. I used to keep a treatment diary of how I felt and what side effects I experienced, it helps to notice a pattern. The staff should be asking how she is and if she mentions this to them they should be able to reassure her or suggest something. best wishes