Anxiety and stress of being told husband has cancer

Just been told husband has cancer. Still in clear where primary source is. As looking like it could be two places. Not been told what stage it is. But I am gearing myself to them saying it's stage 4. Trying to stay positive and strong for him and family. But so much racing around my head. Most of all can I really cope if it's only a few months or weeks left.


    Hi Gina,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    We know just how distressing it is to get a cancer diagnosis. This is even more so, when you are still waiting to see where the primary source is. We all tend to think the worst, when first diagnosed, but here's hoping that you are wrong.

    Has your husband got an appointment for any further tests? Please try to stay away from Google, until you have a definite diagnosis. Much of the information is poorly researched, out of date and aimed at the more spectacular cases. This will only serve to frighten you further. 

    You ask if you can really cope. Many of us have asked ourselves this, but somehow or other, we find the strength to get through it.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how he gets on. We are always here for both of you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx