Angry 24/7

My Mum has GBM (Stage 4), was diagnosed in Feb this year and is currently having radio and chemotherapy.

Obviously the last few months have been horrendous and nobody knows what is to come- probably for the best. I just feel so angry ALL the time, I have 0 patience for anything or anyone. My boyfriend's granddad is very unwell, he's 77 and has just been written off driving as he's too unwell, and my boyfriend is saying how sad this is. My Mum was written off driving and she's just turned 53- THAT is sad. I must sound so heartless and horrible, I just feel so heartbroken and cheated that this has happened to Mum and feel like everyone elses problems are minor. She's been a hospice nurse all her life, spent over 30 years looking after people, just to be told that her prognosis is around 12 months. 

I just wanted to see if this anger and intolerance is a common reaction, I'm not at all usually nasty but since Mum's diagnosis I've just felt like punishing the world and I hate it :(

  • Hi rach it is pretty common to get angry or very emotional alot come to the forum to have a good rant and let off steam your welcome any time you feel you need "to talk" or expel a little steam, alot find coming on here helps write what you feel,. Best wishes.


  • Hello sweetie - the news your family has had is awful absolutely awful. Angry? Of course you are & why shouldn't you be? It's such a cruel & unfair illness & doesn't care at all about who it affects. I think it's human nature to want to fight back when someone we love is hurting physically & emotionally but this isn't something, sadly, that you can fight when your mum has had the diagnosis she has had. I suspect part of what you're feeling is frustration at not being able to do anything. It's disempowering to feel useless & not having control over something that impacts us so much DOES make us angry, so, so angry.

    If this makes sense to you, it might help you to understand why you are finding it so difficult to keep your anger under control. Understanding where our emotions come from/why they are there is the first step in managing them. You may stay angry for quite some time but it's very important for your own sake that you begin to manage it otherwise your health will suffer & you can't afford for that to happen because you need your strength to help your mum.

    In some times of crisis in my life I've put pen to paper & written down all my thoughts & feelings & it helps to get things 'out'. It's something just for you - rage there all you need to & it may help you to be less angry with the world & people around you.

    As Billygoat says vent & rage here as much as you need to but try to be a bit kind to yourself & understand what's happening to you is normal. Take care x