Ampulla cancer anyone had experience?

Not been on for a while and only just figuring this site out lol. 

So quick recap mum was diagnosed with ampulla cancer feb 2016, day after diagnosis she had the whipple which was successful. Regular 3 month scans and 6 month course of chemo all went well, chemo stopped in Nov 2016 regular scans after that went all good. Feb 2017 regular scan I attended all was fine.. pain and not feeling good end of feb start of march 2017 rushed to hospital and emergency scan, within 4 weeks of all clear scan we was told it was back. She had to get biopsies and more scans following and in may 2017 we was told it was terminal.

prognosis was 6 months left maximum without treatment or possibly a extra 6 months with chemo. 

She has had a scan 2 months ago which said it's not rapidly growing as super speed and it's relatively slow, her morphine has been upped twice since then and she's due next scan on 7th sept. If this scan comes back and nothing has changed the hospital will stop the treatment. 

Has anybody had experience of this as in the ampulla cancer and terminal? Is she likely to pass expectations on the life expectancy? I've done my research and it's highly likely I can see the change but I'm clinging to hope. 



    Hi ssmiller,

    Welcome back to Cancer Chat. I am so sorry to hear about your Mum’s tribulations and her recent prognosis.  This must have come as a terrible shock to you all. How has your Mum been coping with all this? Is she sleeping a lot with her increased Morphine and is it holding her pain?

    Her last scan was more hopeful when they said that her tumours are not growing as rapidly. I hope that her next scan on 7th September will show further improvement. I lost my dear Mum to secondary cancer years ago and I still miss her every day, but I would not wish to see her suffer the pain she did at the end. Her last few months were really harrowing. Now I;ve got cancer myself. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 7 years ago and I had another primary cancer in the same breast the following year.

    You asked if the time scale your Mum has been given for life expectancy could be exceeded - anything is possible. Doctors can giveus estimates, but all patients are different and there have been several people who have survived well past the doctor's expectations. Sadly, there are also those who pass well before their allotted time. There is no hard and fast rule.

    I am thinking of you and praying for you both

    Please keep in touch and let us know how your Mum gets on. There is always someone here whenever either of you feel like talking.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx