Amazing news

Hiya, I have been given the all clear from breast cancer. Still have 19 radiotherapys to get starting soon.

I have been put on letrazole for 5 years, and wow the side effects kicked in almost right away, anyone have any words of wisdom of how to manage them.

I hear magnesium may help. 

Thanks in advance xx

  • Hi Annemcc

    That's fantasic to hear that your consultant has given you positive news. I really hope that your radiotherapy goes smoothly. It can be quite tiring so do look after yourself while you're undergoing that treatment.

    I know the folks here will be happy to support you if you've any questions about the radiotherapy or letrozole. If you use the forum search function to look for Letrozole you'll find quite a few threads where different ladies have shared their experiences with it. 

    best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator