Am I over reacting?

Firstly I should start by saying I have major health anxiety. But anyway, In July this year I found a lump in my neck, I went to my GP the next day who wasn't concerned she said "sometimes they can stay from when your childhood" no idea what she meant but I asked when will it go down and said it may never go down but if it gets bigger to come back. Fast forward to today and I'm not sure if it's due to my weight loss (intentional, I'm on a diet) as I've lost a stone since I found said lump but it feels more prominent. I wouldn't maybe say bigger but I'm think it could be as I've lost fat around my jawline area it's more palpable? I'm going to try and get into my GP again tomorrow but I'm working myself up. I don't have any other lymphoma symptoms. Nothing atall apart from the lump in my neck. It is movable and has a smooth feel to it. Almost feels oval shaped but I'm not 100% sure. It's only one side so I'm not sure what's going on really all I know is I'm scared. 

  • Hello Mamato3

    I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling concerned about a lump that you've previously had checked by a Dr. I hope that you were able to speak with your GP or arrange an appointment to discuss your concerns further. Sometimes these things can become more prominent after losing weight but as you're concerned it would make sense to speak with your GP. 

    You mention in your post that you struggle with health anxiety and I wanted to suggest that you might also like to have a look at some information on the NHS website that has some advice and information about how to manage health anxiety as well as links to other helpful resources. 

    I do hope that the GP is able to give you some reassurance. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi [@Moderator Jenn]‍ 

    thank you for replying. I saw my GP this morning who had a feel and said it's very small and feel benign but has ordered blood work (which I went for after my appt) and also referred for a scan. He said just for reassurance but I still feel scared none the less just hope the next few weeks go quickly so I can enjoy Christmas