Alcohol and chemotherapy

Hi folks,

I've a question concerning alcohol and chemotherapy.  My husband had his first r-chop chemo three weeks ago. Last Friday night he had a bit of a drunken night with friends and now tonight he's having a couple of whiskies at home. He's feeling fine, so side effects at all, no sickness, nothing which is great but will these few drinks during the week (if he feels fine I can easily see him drinking three whiskies maybe three times a week for example) affect the chemotherapy and how effective it will be?

 I'm so glad he's going fine, I know this will probably change as he goes through treatment but I can't help getting annoyed at him! Why would you do anything that could hinder progress and treatment? I know everyone reacts differently to being told you have cancer but I'm not sure still drinking the amount he is at the moment can be good for you? 

He was told by the nurse a glass of wine at Christmas or a special occasion so I'm not sure how he can defend three whiskies on a Friday night at home! 

Am I being stupid here and should just be quiet and let him enjoy it or should I push him to give up?

Sorry for the moany post, I'd appreciate any input and advice!

  • Hi Howe,

    I am SO jealous of your husband! Until I started chemo I LOVED whisky but within days of starting chemo even the smell of it triggered ... well, let's just say it made me nauseous. I was OK with vodka and Redbull though - something I wouldn't normally touch with a barge pole, but chemo messes up your taste buds! 

    Even now some 4 years after chemo I haven't really recovered my taste for whisky.

    You're not being stupid - just naturally concerned at a very worrying time. He'll probably be OK but to put your mind at rest see


    Best wishes
