Aftermath of a loop biopsy

I had a biopsy then a month later a loop biopsy . First time I had no problems .this time I no they said that I wud have watery discharge etc which is fine with bits of blood in it .( not bleeding as such) but the smell cumin from my vagina / pads/ underwear is terrible . I bath every day and wash thru out the day and I can stil smell it whist I am fully clothed. Is this normal ? It smelt like vinegar to start with but now it's like the smell of the blood I passed after having my children x

  • Hello Queen-vik, 

    I think it might be worth getting in touch with your GP and mentioning this. It does sound like this needs looking into and your doctor will be in the best position to advise you further on this. Do give all the details and the context - the fact that you had a loop biopsy recently. 

    I hope you can get this looked into soon! 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator