After hysterectomy

Hi All I am feeling a bit low it has been 10 days since surgery and not without its problems I am used to being on the go all the time I had a set routine and my job looked forward to my weekends now since all this it has been like a bolt out the blue  I have a heart problem in which I had heart attack 3 years ago very bizzare because I lost 4 stone don't drink acholol and don't smoke and eat healthy has I can I have been told all different things so far but latest after surgery I am stage 1a or b and before surgery I was grade 3 my ct scan showed nothing had 6 lots of separate blood tests everything even dvt and come back clear so nervous of results scared of having radiotherapy or chemo I know it has got to be done 


  • Hi Jenny,

    I’m 10 days post total hysterectomy too and know what a shock it is to the system.  One day everything is fine and you’re going about your daily activities, and the next your world changes and everything becomes uncertain.  It’s really hard to come to terms with. A hysterectomy had never been on my radar before and I really did not want to have the surgery... I was actually in tears when being anaesthetised. Now it’s done and I have to focus on moving forward.  Next step for me will be starting chemo around 5 weeks from now.  Scary stuff.  At least we are both early stage so there is every chance that we will come out of this okay.  All the best for your recovery.

    S x