
hello everyone, 

please i need some advice. i found a lump behind my ear a few months ago and told someone, but they dismissed it as a lymph node that would heal quickly, so I completely forgot about it. However, months later, i was just touching my face and i felt it, it's still here. It's hard, solid and it doesn't really move and it's roughly about pea size. When i'm alone i research it and find that it is a symptom of cancer. Everytime I think about it I burst into tears- I'm terrified and I don't know what to do, i tried to show some people and they told me they couldn't even see it and that i'm overexaggerating. But i can feel it, i know it's there and i'm too afraid to get it checked out. Does anyone know what it could be ? Has anyone experienced this ?? Please help, I feel like I'm losing my mind

  • Hey Meme, I understand the fear but I plucked up courage and so glad I did, you must engage with your GP hun, self diagnosis just drives you crazy. Make appointment and take it from there, but tell them you're frightened so they can treat you with that in mind.