Advice please

Hello to all, I am new to this so please bear with me and sorry for the long post. I have had a lump towards the back right of my neck for the best part of a year now it is about the size of a 10p piece and protrudes outward. Feeling the lump there is a small nut size hard but movable lump inside. I wasn't worried about it to begin with as it is not painful and I just assumed I must have some sort of viral bug. As time went on I forgot about it. Fast forward to about 8 days ago and I noticed another lump exactly the same as the other just smaller in size directly above the original one. I went to the GP the next day who felt it and asked all of the relevent q's about other symptoms, how long it has been there etc. She said it was definitely enlarged lymph nodes and has sent a referral for an ultrasound scan and also told me to have full blood count test done. Bloods came back 2 days later all fine. But for the past 2 days my neck all the way around has felt very swollen and as though someone is pressing on the front especially when I swallow. There is a lot of achiness on both sides of my neck but no pain or soreness whatsoever. I am unsure as to whether to go back to the GP to tell her about it or wether to just wait for the scan which is scheduled in just over 2 weeks. I don't want to waste the doctors time if it turns out to be nothing but I can't help but worry as I just feel very off, very fatigued and tired all of the time and my neck is really starting to bother me. If you have gotten all of the way to the end of this post I thank you and any advice anyone has would be greatly appreciated.

  • Welcome to the forum Mumofboys30 although I'm sorry for the reason you've joined us.

    If you're worried about how swollen your neck has become since you last saw your GP, you could check in with them for peace of mind and see if they think it's worth mentioning the changes you've noticed at your referral.

    Wishing you all the best with your ultrasound and fingers crossed the lump isn't anything sinister.

    All the best, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you for your reply. I went back to the GP who tried to escalate the ultrasound appointment as I now have 6 swollen nodes over both sides of my neck and no signs of illness or infection, unfortunately the hospital could not fit me in any time before my original appointment. So I am just twiddling my thumbs waiting for the scan on the 8th and hoping it's nothing.