Advice Needed - worried aunt's treatment is being delayed

At the beginning of October my aunt was referred to the hospital by her GP mainly because she was anemic.

During an examination at the hospital the doctor felt what she diagnoised to be a tumour on the lower bowel. My aunt was told she would need a CT scan, an MRI scan and a colonoscopy and that she would most likely see a consultant at the begining of November. The results of her blood tests and two FIT tests have all since come back negative.

It has taken 6 weeks for the scan results to come back and they are inconclusive. The Macmillan nurses said that a PET scan has been requested and yet the hospital has no record of this.

I am concerned that my aunt is slipping between the cracks. The Macmillan nurses don't seem to be able to give her any information. The consultant's secretary is saying that they can't help and that it's for the nurses to deal with.

The doctor that performed the colonoscopy said that in his opinion the tumour was small, very operable and hadn't spread.

Is it normal to still be in this position nearly two months from an initial appointment?

I would appreciate any advice.