Advice needed

My Hubby is fairly newly diagnosed with a grade 4 Glioma (2 actually).  We are bumbling along OK, and I try to keep him cheerful and entertained; whilst encouraging him to be 'normal'.  Hoever, he has days where his character alters, and he becomes a very nasty person to both me and the dog (generally, he loves the dog the most).  I understand that this cannot be helped, and is probably normal.  But how the heck do you cope with this?  I have the expectation that it will get worse.

  • Hello PeniGood

    I'm sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis. I'm sure that it will have been a difficult time for you both and it's understandable that they are days when you both struggle with things. 

    We have many members here who have cared for loved ones, often with a different diagnosis, who will understand the challenges that you're facing. Hopefully, they will post to share their advice and experiences with you. 

    We have some information on our website that you may find helpful and you could also contact your local Maggies centre if you feel that you need some additional support. I also wanted to give you the link to The Brain Tumour Charity. I'm sure that you will be able to connect with others who are in the same position via their website as they have a specific support group for carers of someone living with a brain tumour. 

    We also have a team of nurses here at CRUK that you're welcome to call and talk to if you think it may help. They're available Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope this helps you connect with others and find the support you need. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator