Advice needed

So gp has said I have ibs everything else is OK apart from lacking vitamin d now iv had change in bowel habits since begin of this year march this hear I had infection in my tummy begin with g I had 2 course of antibiotics iv had to go back to gp again as I still have the same symptoms anal inchty coming and going it's horrible effecting my life :( they've done a bowel stool sample that come back fine I'm unsure what this could be 2days ago I ended up leaking bowel this is embarrassing I told gp they have having me cream fungal stuff I feel pain keep going back to them iv had on and off lower back pain she also giving me loxido I'm now haven't to take only half a powder as taken 1 or 2 makes me have very loose I do have cyst on my right overias I no this is gonna sound silly but I feel it for than ibs I feel like gp is fobbing me off telling me I can't get cancer at my age I'm 30 my head going over  drive all I'm seeing for inchty anus is rectal cancer or bowrrl cancer can anybody give me any peace of mind plz thank u 

  • I'm sorry to hear about your symptoms Ella and that you're feeling fobbed off. This must be very frustrating, especially when you feel like your symptoms are not improving.

    Hopefully some of our members who have been in a similar situation will offer their thoughts and advice to you soon but in the meantime, we're thinking of you Ella and will have our fingers crossed you can get some answers and peace of mind over this soon.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator