Advice For Upcoming Ultrasound

Good evening all, 


I wanted some advice for an ultrasound I have got a lump on the left side of my neck on Tuesday 30th May. 

I've had this lump now for around 6 months. I initially ignored it thinking it was a lymph node and it would go away (despite not being sick actually) but it hadn't and so I made an appt and went to the doctors. I've had 2 sets of blood tests which were all fine and one ultrasound about 6 weeks ago. The chap who did the ultrasound said he believed it was just swollen lymph nodes and if they hadn't disappeared within 6 weeks or there is a change then to come back. Excellent I thought. 

I then get a call from my GP surgery asking to go in to discuss the results however that wasn't until around 4 weeks after the scan. So I went back, knowing the doctor would tell me it was ok. The doctor examined my and whilst doing so, she goes "oh yeah, there it is" and I was like "umm no it's not, it's a tough lower than that" So the doctor said she'll put me through for an urgent ultrasound and so this is where my question is.

I should say the ordinal lump is sort near the bass of my neck, maybe about a thumb nails length long and half of that wide. It's quite squishy and sometimes a little tender. The new lump is right above that, hard and around the size of a pea. The original lump is noticeable, the new one isn't. 

I'm understandably concerned since a new lump has formed, but I'm worried that they will send me away again. If they don't suggest a biopsy, can I request it to be done? I'm a bit nervous about it so don't want to make an *** of myself  

Any advice, I would really appreciate x 

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat, LunaMeowMeow.

    I'm sorry to hear about the new lump and the uncertainty surrounding your ultrasound results. 

    It's important to communicate your worries and questions with your medical team during the follow-up appointment. Express your concerns about the new lump and any changes you've noticed since the previous ultrasound. They will have the best understanding of your specific situation and can provide appropriate guidance.

    Hopefully, others who have been in a similar situation to offer more advice, until then if you feel like asking some questions to our team of nurses, they'd be happy to chat with you Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m on this freephone 0808 800 4040.

    Wishing you the best in your upcoming ultrasound appointment, and I hope you receive the answers and support you need.

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thanks for the advice, I will speak to them about it tomorrow. As a side note, last night I found 2 lumps in my groin. I'm not sure if they're my lymph nodes or not, I presume they are. So I'll mention this to them too. 

    I wasn't overly worried before but now I've found these further two lumps, I have to say I am pretty concerned. 

  • Just an update for anyone reading. 

    I had my scan and the lymph node has grown, there is another one like I thought and a further two around this. 

    I’ve got an appointment with ENT this Friday. When I spoke to the doctor about my results, she mentioned a possible cold abscess but only a biopsy would confirm this. 

    Im not really sure what to think right now. I don’t think I’ve got any other symptoms of cancer but I’m not sure what I’m looking for and I know some people don’t have any. Although I have got a weird rash that’s come up on my forearm. I thought it was hives but now I’m wondering if it’s related. It’s the left side like my lumps. Antihistamines and creams aren’t helping. 

     I guess I’m just holding out hope that it is a cold abscess. 

  • Hi Luna,

    I'm in a similar position (currently waiting for biopsy results for my neck lymph node). If you are offered the biopsy and it would give you peace of mind then I saw go for it, but please be assured that your symptoms are unlikely to be cancer. It's possible which is why we have to rule it out, but lymph nodes can grow and swell for all sorts of reasons and sometimes seemingly no reason at all! It's easier said than done not to worry, but try not to worry until you need to :) I also have lymph nodes in my groin, but when I went for a scan on these they weren't enlarged, so being able to feel them doesn't necessarily mean they're malicious. 

  • Hi, thanks for replying. I hope you get your results soon and the all clear! 

    I am trying not to worry, I swing from worrying one minute to being very nonchalant the next. I find the latter easier to cope with lol 

    I guess we’ll just see what happens tomorrow. I’m not expecting to get much out of the first appointment to be honest. But we’ll see. I’ll update this post when I know more :) 

  • Yes please do update! I hope it goes well and if you feel a biopsy would put your mind at rest then I would ask for it even if they don’t offer. I’m exactly the same with the worrying, one minute I’m like this is super common I’m fine and the next I’m convinced it’s lymphoma! 

  • Thank you :)

    Did you have to as for your biopsy? Have you been waiting long for results? I will ask about it if they don’t offer one, I guess they won’t know until they’ve looked me over. I’m assuming I’ll have the camera down my throat 

  • Mine was a bit odd, I had an initial ultrasound which said just reactive nodes but then I went for an MRI separately for jaw pain (they now think related), which showed enlarged nodes that seemed slightly suspicious. I then had to go for another ultrasound where the sonographer said they were borderline (not sure what he meant by that). He said I could wait another 4 weeks to see if they went down or have the biopsy there and then. I went for the biopsy as I didn’t want the stress of getting another appointment which he said was ‘sensible’, so I felt like I had mixed signals! Hopefully it is just a precaution though.

    It’ll be 2 weeks on Saturday and the report still isn’t back with my consultant, I’m told this doesn’t mean anything either way but my gut instinct is that I’ll be fine.

    You probably will have the camera, it’s not pleasant but over quickly! 

  • Oh wow, that’s a lot to take in for you. I really hope you get your biopsy results soon and that everything is ok. It really does seem like mixed signals but if your gut is telling you you’ll be fine, then that’s what I’d go with too. Tbh mine has also been saying that too, which is probably why I’m being a bit nonchalant. 

    thank you for your advice and support, I’ll update you when I know anymore tomorrow x 

  • Just thought I’d update this thread. 

    I saw the consultant friday who confirmed the 2 nodes on the US are abnormal and he’s concerned it’s cancer. I had the camera up my nose, where he found “something” on the left nostril. He said that it is in a position where cancer does grow but he doesn’t think it is. It looks more like an extra bit of skin he reckons. However he said it was worth noting due to the lumps and it also being on the left side.

    I’ve got a fine needle biopsy booked for this Wednesday. Hopefully this works and we get a result from that. He did say if it doesn’t give us an answer then I’d have the lumps removed and he’ll do the nose thing too. 

    I had lots of different blood tests for various viruses, which include HIV, cat scratch disease, mono, EBV… loads! But they’ve all come back negative. The concerning thing is that my red blood count is a little low. It’s not looking good however I’m remaining optimistic that it’ll turn out to be a random, obscure virus lol