
My husband of 79 was diagnosed last year with hodgkin's lymphoma. 

He had 2 cycles of chemo followed with 10 sessions of radiotherapy because a hot spot was found on his spine. 

Unfortunately he lost more weight and was in bed almost 18 hours a day and was in a lot of pain.

When his dr saw him he told him that there was nothing more they can do for him and has given him weeks if not sooner to live.

We were not completely surprised.

they have given him strong pain relief and at times I wondered if they have got it wrong and then there are times when he is in pain I know that they have not.

How long is weeks?

Our gp thinks it's going to be longer I spoke to the specialist nurse and said that we are very confused because my husband has been putting all his affairs in order since last week. 


  • Hello Reader

    I'm so sorry to hear about your husband and ther recent news that he's been given. I'm sure it's a very difficult time for you all at the moment. 

    When a Dr offers a prognosis of how long someone may have left it's based on their experience with other patients and so it's important to remember that things can vary from person to person.

    Do keep talking to the nurses or Dr that visit your husband. If they are seeing him on a regular basis they will be best placed to answer your questions and offer advice. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator