

I had a hysterectomy last March because of medical problems, massive bleeding problems  (I am 40) I thought things would be better and they are in some ways but, I've been having blood in my discharge for five weeks now, and I'm still suffering with pain internally,  so this means I'm still needing to use liners, I saw a physiotherapist yesterday and she said I need to see another Gynaecologist so I've contacted my GP and she is rereffering me again! Should I be worried that I'm bleeding? I'm starting to worry that I've got something bad wrong with me, and that it just wasn't picked up ages ago. 
I would really appreciate some thoughts please xx 

  • Hello, and thank you posting, but I'm not sure I will be able to give you any answers. 

    Because we aren't part of your hospital team I don't know why you are having some blood in your discharge.

    There are a number of things it could be that aren't necessarily anything sinister, but it is sensible for this to be investigated again by a gynaecologist. I can understand your frustration at having symptoms again after your hysterectomy, but hopefully you will be seen soon and they can find out for you what is going on.

    Take care, and I hope you have support at home to be able to talk through you worries and concerns. You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040, 9am till 5pm, Monday to Friday.
