Advanced liver cancer

Hi everyone another crazy night can't sleep can't eat everyone is sleeping just had the worst news I got a secondary cancer it advanced liver cancer don't know where to start wot I should do who I should speak to how do I tell my grandchildren and my children it just so hard x

  • Hi Snowtiger,

    I am so very sorry to hear your news - I am sure that this has come as a dreadful shock! I don't know what to say but I want you to know that my thoughts are with you. X

  • Hello snowtiger , I'm new on here and just read your post , so sorry to hear that you have that , my dad was diagnosed liver cancer couple weeks ago , so I feel for you , my heart is breaking in million pieces , the thing we have found is talking and telling everything to everyone has been helping us , he's 92 war veteran , and he said talk don't bottle it up inside it helps , I had to tell my brothers and family , the little ones I soon have to tell that is the hardest bit , please let someone tell them for you or with you to share your burden load of you I've had to do some much for my dad , it's helped him , your family need to no how ever hard it is , when we have lost someone in our family the little ones have what we call moon clouds that when there asleep they can get on it and fly to see our family for the night and play do what they like , it's something your family could use , I care for my mum and dad everyday some days more till night , I am also dealing with the fact my husband might have prostrate cancer , life can be in fair sometimes , but what you must thing is men fighted in the war for you and me for our family's , so we can fight cancer keep your self strong , tell your family let them be there for you , there's no easy way I'm afraid it's so hard but once said talk be thinking of you so much xxx great big cuddles xx
  • Hi love,my husband is the same he started with bowl cancer , had an operation on that and then was told he had a secondary in the liver, he's just come out of surgery for that but unfortunately they didn't get it all, but the small bit left they will hit with more chemo and then maybe another operation, don't give up, it's so very hard to deal with, talk to the Macmillan nurses, they listen to me crying my eyes out a lot . Be positive, I know it's so hard but my husband won't let this *** disease get him nor will you. Great big hugs to you x