Acute lymphoblastic Leukaemia

Hi I was diagnosed just over a month ago and yet I’m still struggling to believe this is my life now. I have just completed my first phase and I’m having a break from chemo to allow my body to rebuild its white blood cells. I’m fed up already of people asking how I am, I know they are concerned but it seems that all we talk about is my condition, I have a couple of friends who send me jokes and we talk about life in general and I love them for it. I don’t know what I’m expecting from joining this forum. 

  • Hello Dyzabell87, 

    Welcome to the forum! 

    Someone who had not long been diagosed with cancer, once said to me "I just wish people would see that I'm still me. I am not my illness".  It's understandable that people want to show they care by asking but as you've said, having the normality of joking around and talking about life is general is also so very important. I'm glad that you have those special friends who do that for you. Keping your feet on the ground is a coping mechanism to help you get through this. 

    Whilst there are lots of cancer related posts and chats on this forum, there are also a number of posts about normal everyday stuff. Lots of those threads can be found in the Inspiration topic area. 

    Do feel free to come and post here if you need to offload, have a question or just want to chat. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • My wife age 53 has ALL as well. She is now 9 months into treatment and the next phase will be a bone marrow transplant. I get the brunt of these questions so your experience seems normal. Just be patient and take one day at a time.

  • Hi all. I have just been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.  Philadelphia positive.  I'm 36 years old. 

    If anyone has any hope or positive words /news.... would be much appreciated as I'm in shock and scared.
