Absolutely terrified waiting on biopsy results

Hopefully Ill have the results Friday but Im absolutely terrified waiting until then....I normally go to the gym and get out and about every day but Ive no motivation to do anything at all....I just feel like rolling up into a ball away from everyone at the moment and crying..please tell Im not not alone

  • Skelly 

    Hi Skelly  your definitely not alone, so don't be so hard on yourself  what your feeling is absolutely normal,not nice but normal,it's as if you can't think of anything else ,it's constantly on your mind,waiting for biobsy results is really hard  and no one seems to understand how your feeling, apart from the people who have had to go through the waiting, for there results. 

    I  on the other hand was told the same day I'd gone to  the breast clinic, to be checked ,that I did have breast cancer,I had more msmagrams didnt show it up ,but ultrasound did, yes it was devasting news,and I was on my own because of covid. But on the other hand I was told it had been caught early so that was good. I'm not brave,I was petrified, but I got through it all,lumpectomy  all lympth nodes removed as it had spread to three of them. I had a lumpectomy, which was amazing  such good surgeon  you'd never know  ,such a good job. I had 8 rounds of chemotherapy, 15 sessions of Radiotherapy. And it was not as bad as I'd anticipated, few hiccups but nothing I couldn't handle.  A year on I found another lump in the same breast,I had to wait six weeks before I got my appointment  I like you was going spare, I really was petrified as I knew if the cancer had returned, I would have to have my breast off. But luckily it wasn't the cancer returning  it was a small cyst  and I was told they just leave them alone,and I was told many woman are walking around with  very small.cysts,and they don't even know it 

    So yours may just be a cyst,or I know that you  can get many disorders of the breast, so it may not turn out to be cancer. And I'm hoping it won't be,but if it is you ,will be ok the treatments and care you will be given ftom the NHS is amazing,there there for you every step of the way,I can't thank them enough.  My son said to me ,( he was diognosed with testicular cancer a few mths before I was,) mum i look.at it this way why are you worrying  ,its just making you feel ill,don't  see the point of you worrying, it won't change anything, what will be will be, and it may not even be cancer and if it is look on the positives of it you've found it , it can be treated ,it  would be  sooo much worse if you'd never found it, it  is good you did as it can be dealt with mum. And to be honest he was right,what ever way you look at it ,his words were wise  and helped me a lot. Hope all goes well ,always popping on here if you need to chat.As I'm.sure there will be others on here who reply to you too. Do let  us know how things go  will be thinking of you .X


  • Hi thank you so much for your lovely reply it gives me hope. Its just a waiting game now I suppose and your son is right...what is the point of worrying ? I just feel like crying all of the time and have no interest at all in my normal day to day activities at the moment. My mammogram and ultrasound found nothing but the surgeon could see and feel a pinky/purplish lump so wanted to do a biopsy. Hopefully the results will ne back on Friday so at least I know what Im dealing with.You and your son are so brave and an inspiration to me.I will of course let you know how I get on x

  • God im having such a panicky day again today...just cant shake this feeling of dread and the biopsy is after finding cancer.I really feel bad speaking to my husband and children because they are so worried too and I dont want to worry them more about how I really feel so I put on a brave face.My poor dad has stage 4 liver cancer and hes having chemotherapy as we speak so I dont want to burden my mam either shes enoughon her mind with dad...its going to be a looooong week

  • Hi Skelly not alone at all don't be hard on yourself. Waiting for results is the worst time in the world. Unfortunately no amount of 'keeping busy' will make the feeling any better, it's a very unique feeling that no one should have to go to.

    just try to stay calm, regulate your breathing, drink plenty of water and think positive thoughts!


    all the best! 

  • Skelly - no you are not alone - waiting for the results is the worst bit. If they come back positive it's time to be positive if you can. The health professionals in my experience are generally excellent at what they do and will do all they can to get you through this. I said to my wife recently when we were discussing whether to tell our son about my biopsy on the 4th of July that telling a concerned relative about a biopsy is the opposite of "a problem shared is a problem halved" - more like a problem doubled! If your biopsy is positive and if it has been caught early, in my all too extensive experience the outcome should be good. Any physical after effects can be dealt with - number one priority is get the tumour out. I wish you all the luck and hope this is nothing more than a scare, but if not I can assure you it is possible to get through this.

  • Thank you so much for your reply..it means so much x

  • I just want to thank you for your reply..it means so much x

  • Hi SKelly!


    Your posts just mirror what I am going through at this present time. My husband just found out his bowel cancer had come back after being clear for 5 months after a successful operation back in January. We got the word on 21st June (which was our anniversary of 36 years what a present eh??). Since then I have been on `auto pilot` and can't function or focus on anything. Everyday tasks are an effort and I find it hard to even step outside our front door for fear of running into a neighbour or someone we know and asking how my husband is. He sees his oncologist on Thursday this week to hopefully work out a management plan because his surgeon said another operation is not an option at this time. Whether she meant not ever and maybe at a later date I don't know. The cancer is back in his stomach lining and pelvis but she said it is very slow growing but I am really scared that the oncologist will say different when we see him on Thursday. Its getting me to the stage I don't want to go to the appointment but I know I need to pull on my `big girl pants` and do it. I don't think specialists would contradict one another though and say differnt to what the other said- well I'd like to think that. Take Care.



  • I know exactly how you're feeling. I get my biopsy results towards the end of next week. 

    I had to have a bilateral biopsy (both breasts). It's just a waiting game now. 

    The Breast Clinic were really good, and have answered what questions they can for me. I even asked if I should tell my parents. 

    I'm very busy at work, but it doesn't make the days go any quicker.

    I hope  when you get your results, it's nothing serious

  • Good morning and I just want to thank you for your reply. My dad had bowel cancer and had a successful surgery  but unfortunately it came back again too...hes still doing well and getting another round of chemotherapy but like your husband an operation was not offered this time. We were told when you get older the cancer slows down growing too.Please let me know how you get on at the appointment...I will say a prayer for you both x