Absolutely Terrified!

I found this forum today after attending a doctors appointment. 
I have had a swollen lymph node in my right armpit for around three weeks and went to get it checked out. The Doctor decided to do a full examination of my breasts and armpit area and found a lump in my lower right breast. He has asked me to come back in two weeks as I'm due to have my period in the next week, and he wanted to know if this could be playing a part in the lump/ lymph node. I am so scared and not so if I can wait so long as I'm already anxious. Has anyone else had a similar experience? 

Thank you for reading 

  • Yep I'm at the same stage as you only not lymph but massive 8cm by 5 cm painful immobile lump absolutely terrified not for me but for my children I feel so sad right now x

  • I would ask to be referred to breast clinic.  They have a 2 week referral rule so you'd probably be seen in about two weeks for a scan and if you've discovered by then that the lump has gone it can always be cancelled?  I found a lump July 30, had a mammogram and biopsy two weeks later.  Mine is cancer but I'm still waiting to see what treatment plan it is as even then you need extra scans before they can treat you.  I had a bone scan today.  If he refuses say in that case can you write in my notes I requested to be referred and you refused?  Most drs do not like doing this as it can lead to them getting into a lot of trouble if they miss stuff.  And with this sort of thing timing is important.  Don't let them fob you off xx

  • The waiting part sets my mind racing! I'm so sorry you have to experience this too. If you don't mind me asking, are you experiencing any other symptoms/ pain? Thank you for your reply. 

  • Thank you for your response. The doctor said that he would refer me when I see him again ( after menstruation) to see any changes. I didn't have any pain until today. They have been prodded and poked so much it's aching. Thank you for your advice; I'll be sure to say that if he doesn't refer me next time. I'm looking to ease my mind, but a lump in my breast and swollen lymph in my armpit is not a good sign.

  • Hey thanks yes I am experiencing pain and a very large lump inside which doesn't move it's really big and came as quite a shock when I had pain and then felt my breast and found such a big mass it seems to be attached to breast tissue rather than feeling like it's floating around if that makes sense, just very anxious about getting an answer. I think my worry is more for my kids than me. They need me here xxx scary stuff really very stressful. 

  • Yes, that makes sense. Worry and stress are awful, especially when children are involved. I hope you get answers soon. 

  • The waiting is very hard.  You're just in limbo aren't you not knowing one way or another.  I keep telling myself panicking won't help and is irrational, easy to say I know!!  I'm usually quite a calm measured person so I cannot imagine how this must make already anxious people feel.  It might just be sore from all the poking etc possibly?     X

  • I feel the same about the kids, for myself I don't feel very bothered oddly.  First thing I said when I came out the room was what are we gonna tell the children?  I still haven't told my family as none live locally and there doesn't seem any point worrying them until I know exactly what's going on xx

  • I'm naturally an anxious person, and this is making me feel awful. I'm flitting between reassuring myself and the complete worst-case scenario. I'm going to try and calm myself and nationalist my thoughts, or I won't be fit for work tomorrow! Thank you so much for your response- I was feeling so alone with my thoughts and feeling earlier. I'm glad I found this forum.

  • Good morning 

    I know how you feel same for me rough night woke late this morning and instantly had the fear and dread also have to work today and feel like staying in bed instead but I have to go work 

    sending positive vibes your way try and have a good day cxx