Absolutely terrified!

I was diagnosed with womb cancer in August 2014 and had complete hysterectomy in September. Four months later at my check up the doctor did a biopsy which showed cancer had returned in my pelvic area.  Subsequent scans in February have shown I have peritoneal cancer and cancerous cells around my bowel and enlarged lymph nodes.  I have been told that it is not curable now.  I have been given hormone tablets to see if they can help and have been told I can also have chemo, but it is up to me.  I am trying to be brave in front of family and friends but inside I am falling aoart.

  • Hi  Pauline4

    Welcome to the forum.I had Bowel cancer nearly five years ago,which then went to my liver,all went well six monthly scans,and last May it was found in lymph nodes in my groin,

    I had PICC line put in and had six months of intensive chemo.You are right,they can't operate or use radiotherapy,but I am nearly seventy,blood tests every six weeks and three monthly scans,it has .not spread and I am living a perfectly normal life,,so try not to get too stressed out,Be positive that is half the battle,don't be afraid to tell your friends and family how you feel they should give you support and comfort.

    So please stay strong and positive,we are always here to talk to.

    Sending you strength and positivity


  • Thank you, Alan, what a lovely, positive reply.   I, too , am 70 and I feel blessed to have lived this long and had a reasonably good life.  Have you had pain at all?  I have a little and I feel so tired all the time.

  • Hi Pauline 4,

    Nice to see you again.I think I am a lucky one,no pain,but during the last bout of chemo I put on almost a stone,now nearly 11 1/2 stone so she who must be obeyed has put me on a diet,I still maintain positivity and a will to enjoy life, I or should I say we ( my wife and I) Have been married 50years next year and we intend to see my grandson in Melbourne,and celebrate with him and his fiance,

    I hope your pain goes and you continue enjoy life as much as possible,Please stay strong and positive we will win,

    Take care


  • Don't let them drag you down only way is up

  • i had the same as you in 2013 but nothing else found what made you go to the doctors in the first place so they found what had hapened i am so sorry this has happended to you i have been so lucky

  • Ceil, when I went for my first check up the doctor did a biopsy (without asking and without my permission).  After which I bled very badly.  I was told that this biopsy showed the cancerous cells and then they did scans.  At first they said they were 90% sure I had peritoneal cancer then 100% sure.  Doesn't inspire me with confidence!  

  • yes thats how i started i had terrible hermorranges while i was out, went to the hospital and they said at the time that the lining of my womb was thicker than it should have been, then did scan and told me i had cancer found out a tumour on my womb which was big had to take womb away as couldnt just get rid of the tumour i knew about the biospy then it all happened very quickly was only in hosptial a couple of days hows things with you now

  • Hi Pauline

    The thing that helped me was actually falling apart with hubby and confiding in friends.  I did not tell my Mum (84) and am brave in front of her because I know she would not cope.  So dont keep it all in those who can handel it or who will cry with you can be a great help. 

  • River56, my husband, mum, dad and brother are not here anymore - it would have been lovely to confide in them.  I try not to show worries to friends as I think they may get fed up with me.  I have more scans in two weeks and then the oncologist again.  Each time I have a set of questions to ask but they are superceded by new revelations of different cancers appearing.  I am becoming very tired of it all because I don't seem to be getting any answers.  They always sem to be very vague when I ask questions.  For instance I had a biopsy before my operation that showed the cancer had not invaded my cervix, but it had.  The surgeon told me that biopsies and scans were notoriously unreliable.