Abnormal smear test with positive HPV - anyone else?

Hi everyone, today I got my lovely little letter from the NHS stating that my smear test I had 3 weeks ago has shown borderline Abnormal cells, I wasn't too worried at this point. But then it said that I had tested positive for HPV and an appointment for a colposcopy would need to be arranged. 

Firstly has anyone else been in this position? I know a few friends that have had abnormal smears but after a 2nd test it has all been clear, none have tested positive for hpv. As far as my googling has come up with, am I right in thinking that most Abnormal cells sort themselves out, but with hpv the likelihood of that happening is lower, which is why they normally need extra treatment? 

I have had cfs since I was 16 so my immune system is pretty much non existent. This was my 3rd smear, both of my others came up normal. I'm trying to be positive until I go for the colposcopy, but I do admit I had a little meltdown earlier - single working mum of 3 terrors and facing a diagnosis alone is not much fun, but my big girl knickers are now firmly back on. 

Would love to hear from anyone in the same position 



  • Hi Tasha This is now standard procedure... Anyone who tests positive for one of the higher risk HVP virus will be offer a colposcopy. Its just a way of having a closer look at the cervix to make sure all is well. I received smear results showing my cells were CIN3 (severely abnormal), and I tested positive for one of the high risk HVP. I was at my wits end as a new mum of a 9 month old, all sorts of thoughts run through your mind...its a very scary time to receive a letter and then having to wait for the outcome. To cut along story short I had the colposcopy and had the top of my cervix removed (because my cells were severely abnormal) .... Nothing was malignant and mine was a bad case.... Over the last 10 years i had more frequent smears and all were normal although I did have to attend another colposcopy when I they brought in the testing for HVP when you have your smear.... Again all normal. So easy as it sounds try not to worry this is all standard practise. If you are finding it hard give your GP a call for a chat, this is what I had to do and I felt so much better. Xx Liza
  • My mum found out she had high risk HPV today on her letter and it said she needs to go for a coloposy too see if they are gonna develop into cancer and to see if she needs her abnormal  cells removed and everything and I’m really worried. She went for one like 3-5 years ago or whatever and it’s was clear so it’s not like she’s had her abnormal cells for several years so I don’t think it would have developed into cervical cancer and she hasn’t had any symptoms of like bleeding or anything so I suppose that’s a good sign but I still can’t help worrying. I want to go with her to her coloposy but if it’s in school then I might not be able too because my schools strict and mums already at risk of getting a fine because of my attendance :(