Abnormal smear test

Hi all,

I recently (6weeks ago) had a smear test done, which came back as "borderline changes and HPV positive". Needless to say I was terrified, and all I could think about was 'who would look after my babies'  if the worst happened.

I finally received and attended my appointment for colposcopy this Tuesday 18th  just gone, the lady said that the smear results were correct and that it is low grade cell changes, and has taken a biopsy to send off. I'm now sat anxiously awaiting my results.

My question is, when I read on the NHS site it states that for mild cell changes you'll most likely be offered treatment for it whilst you're there, so why wasn't I? Could it be that the cell changes are more moderate?? 


  • Hey, your not feeling alone I've just got my smear resluts back HPV  positive high grade dyskaryosis and I'm cramping  my self fair to say I've had abnormal long lasting bleeding really heavy bloating loss of appetite and pelvic pain and lower back ache going out my mind hope your okay and fingers crossed everything is okay xx