A milestone

Mum passed away 26th September last year, my father is english, mum was chinese, tomorrow is Chinese New Year, trying to type through tears. It's so hard. I actually understand when others say they just want to go, you just can't comprehend life without  your mum. My heart misses a beat and I can't get my head around the fact that mum isn't here. Seeing dad tomorrow, I try not to get upset in front of him because I know he worries and he put's on a brave face for me, not sure I am going to be able to hold it together when I see him. You think you're getting on ok and then it's like somebody hits you in the face and you can't control the tears

  • Hi ya ...

    Bless ya, your still in those early months that are full of raw pain ... and think it will never end .. you have to give yourself permission to feel all those feelings, it's all part of loosing someone that we love dearly .. there's no quick fix ... those feelings are better out then in ... it's when we stay there 24/7 that it becomes overwhelming ... 

    One thing I have learned above all other is that if you can share that pain .. share tears .. share hugs .. and talk about her .. then she stays in your heart .. remember you are half of her .. she will live through your eyes .. Chrissie

  • Hi Linda,

    So sorry to hear you lost your mother my heart does truly go out to you.  I lost my mother in November last year and I still find it impossible to comprehend that I will never see her again and she is not here anymore in fact I still don't think I have accepted that she has gone.  To think that someone that I saw every single day is no longer here is soul destroying.  Ten weeks on and I still keeping thinking I'm going to see her again...

    Grieving is a very strange thing as I have personally found out as if I can't release my emotions like there is a stopage and I just can't let it all out. 

    I also believe that in sharing your tears with your Dad it will somewhat help.  I don't think anyone can remain 'strong' when you're lost someone so very important to you.

    Thinking of you


  • Thank you Chrissie, I try and think that, that mum is half of me, it's hard though; I 'say' good morning to her photo, put my hand to her face and close my eyes. I just miss her so much.Had some counselling sessions, couldn't tell you what I am getting out of it though, I talk, she listens, not sure what I am expecting.

    Why don't we appreciate more of what we have until it's gone, I have so many regrets, feel like I failed her as a daughter, my mum had Alzheimers for the last 5 years but it was the Myleofibrosis that took her life in the end. I tell my husband that I love him every day and I can only remember telling mum the same when she had Alzheimers,,,why didnt I tell her when she could retain her memories, so that it was there, not gone in a second. She was the most beautiful, kindest and nicest person I knew, I tell colleagues who still have their mum's, don't forget to tell her that you love her every day.

    It's difficult to share tears with family especially dad as nobody wants to see the other upset.

    Thank you again


  • Thank you for your reply Cwtch, I am so sorry for your loss and such a short time ago. I know what you mean when you say impossible to comprehend that she is not here anymore. It's quite difficult to explain isn't it, almost like your heart feels heavy and when I realise what has happened, you feel like your heart then misses a beat. 

    I read somewhere- my mum taught me everything except how to live without her, that about sums it up. I try and think about what my mum would say to me, I don't have any answers, but I have no choice,my life, my dad, the rest of the family, our lives are just different now.

    I hope it will get easier for you and you have family and friends for support.....I know it doesn't feel like it now, but we'll get there, a stage where the overwhelming grief will subside and we'll find a way to not feel this sadness all the time but remember happier times with our mum's.

    Take care
