A lump at the anal opening! help


Hope this isn't too disgusting but Im looking for advice. I am a 22 year old female and I find this topic very hard to bring up to my GP. I usually open my bowels every other day or sometimes in 3 days times, which has been a norm for me since I was young.  It’s normal for me to have a rectal bleeding everytime i have a bowel movement, where i find streaks of bright red blood on the toilet paper and my rectum being swollen and painful. I always though it is normal for the bleeding to occur since I usually pass hard stools and also this has been an on-going thing for me. 

Today I open my bowels and as usual it was painful (Type 2 - bristol stool chart) and hard to pass. I always open my bowel in squat position to help me pass it. I was aware for a long time that there’s a lump in my anus. However today i had a good look of it through the mirror and i can see it’s very swollen and red. It feels about the size of pea maybe, is under the skin and potruding from the left rectum wall. It definitely protrudes out more when I strain and have a bowel movement or go into a squat position.

I have been ignoring this for a long time and figured probably this is a piles ? or something. But I am not so sure... Looking forward to your reply.


thank you.

  • Hello just read your post..  Please face the doctor, myself the sme as you notices changes a year ago, thinking its me age its heameroids not wanting to see doctors etc.. After trying many lotion n potions of the shelf, I finally bit the bullet.. Well shock isn't the word, squamous cell carcinoma was diagnosed from biopsy.. Now lead on to anal cancer of the anal verge within. Month.. Facing chemoradiotherapy next week for 4.5wks so please..  Make that appointment x

  • Hi Carbs. Welcome to the forum.

    I am not a doctor and I have no medical qualifications.

    Anal cancer is very rare at your age, but you should never try to treat piles by yourself without a diagnosis from your GP.  Your GP can prescribe some highly effective creams that will calm the area and make going to the toilet more comfortable.

    You might also need some dietary advice to soften your stools to make them easy to pass. This will also make going to the toilet more comfortable. 

    So PLEASE see your GP.  Do not try to treat yourself. 

  • Yes thank you for your reply and advise, its. very reassuring . I tried eating more fruits and vegetables to help with my digestion. 

  • See your GP, I did ... was told I have anal skin tags however also a pea sized lump my issues regarding hard stools are just like you since I was a kid. Had surgery today and lump has been sent for biopsy to lab results in 2/4 weeks ....

  • Hello there dont be embassed ive crohns diseas so get horrid constipation and sometimes what the call anal tears like you .it sounds like a pile i had this a few months ago they come on quick its basicaly a slight weakness in vains so gets a bulge and sore wonderd what the heck it was as i sufferd from fistulas causing abseses and had it operated on so naturaly thought heck is it another dr had a quick look and confirmed it was a pile to me it was a releife scary though isnt it best pop to gp they give you cream and pesorys stops itching and sorness and helps shrink it mines gone now you might want to looke into your diaet and do know maney dont drink enough water we get dehydrated and you dont have enough mucus the help with stool transit he may give you some stuff for that to i take it but best get an expert to have a look dont be embarrassed he or she has one to and its realy common but leave it and it will get worse and harder to treat best hope you get sorted its no fun .paul


  • Hi if u don’t mind me asking wha colour was the lump I have a purple one an also a pink flesh looking one witch has spread towards my vagina opening I have docs tomorrow really worried 





  • Hiya,I have *exactly* the same thing as you, including the spread towards the vagina. Wondering what your GP said about this?

  • Hi

    I am a 35 year old male and have exactly the same thing, it feels like a very hard, very tender lump like on the anus (pea sized maybe bigger), i often pass blood too, i know i have piles through pushing too hard but this feels different to piles as my piles are softer. I do not partake in any sort of anal intercourse, just constipation, i know all the treatments for piles im just worried if this hard lump could be cancerous.

  • Hi did you find out what is was ? I've woken up this morning with the same thing really hard lump on my anus and it's really painful I'd say a little bigger than a pea . It's got me worried !

  • No unfortunatly i have not had the courage to contact my surgery, i have combat ptsd and my anxiety is through the roof, my pain comes and goes but the lump remains there, i do have piles which it may well be that, do you have piles?