• What a fascinating article! Thank you for sharing this on the forum, it's a really interesting read


  • I kinda relate to some of the things the article is discussing (the "losing our senses" part). There was a time when I despair not being able to do the things I love the most when I'm dead. That what makes me afraid, sad, and angry about the idea of not being alive. But then I reached a certain point in my disease where I actually just lost interest in anything (it happened during one of my worst days). And its not the kind of depression-like "losing interest" but more like "its time for me to take a rest and move on" losing interest. Im just filled with these feelings of peacefulness and contentment and satisfaction. Like when you finished reading a good book and you can see that there is no more point in extending the story any further. Anyway, somehow i recovered from that episode and that kinda changed my perspective a little bit. I now learn to enjoy life per moment and not having to worry about my symptoms, my disease, and the future (or the idea of missing it when i die).
  • Hi Dave

    its that bug on your screen again :)

    great article, a good read, equally entertaining were the  (mostly uninformed) comments. All the usual cr*p.

    I got told by a well meaning person the other day I should be taking cannabis oil, he'd read some (guff) stuff by Rick Si** (you know who). I told him I had spent 2 years looking into cancer treatments and could see no supporting evidence. His answer was oh well I've told you, so its your loss if you choose not to use this miracle cure. I'm glad I don't carry a gun!

    I don't know if you followed on from the thread the other day, I left a quote for you that I thought may humour you.

    "On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero" this thought keeps me sane in some odd way. I hope you're getting on Ok Kim

  • I love that quote 

    I've almost given up reading comments against online articles, they are bad for my blood pressure! I read somewhere that "arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon -  it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory."