8cm x 5cm lump and pain

I have a very large lump in my left breast came out of nowhere not visible only to the touch i have had weird pains in chest and assumed was my asthma but have felt my breast and this hard lump is there. Feels deep won't move and is so big. Went to doctors and she has referred me straight to the breast clinic and I've been crying inside all day worried sick, even the doctor looked concerned and wouldn't put my mind at rest just said I need to get this appointment. 2 weeks feels a long time when it's been a few hours since my appointment and I can't eat or anything I feel awful. My sons dad died from cancer and my kids will only have me and it would be awful to leave them in so scared not for me but for them. I have read everything googled YouTube's and got advise and I honestly think this is serious and don't know what to do. I know we shouldn't google but I feel like my life is slipping out of my hands and my sons could end up without me and I'm scared for them. I've looked at all other things it might be and everything points to C. I'm so gutted and worried. 

  • Hello Lousia78,

    It's a good thing you went to doctor to get this lump checked out. I'm sorry you're feeling this way, but it's impotant to look after your wellbeing and having a balanced diet and staying hydrated does help. When you are worried that you may have cancer, it can be tempting to look for answers online, but this can end up increasing anxiety rather than making you feel better. And the only person that can diagnose you is your doctor. Try to stay away from Google and it won't be long until your next appointment. It might help to write down any questions you have and take a notebook with you.

    I hope this is helpful,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • Hi [@Luisa78]‍ 

    I am so sorry you are going through this. Waiting for your referral and results is the worst time, but rest assured you should receive your appointment soon. I know its hard not to google as I did the same but some of the information is out of date. I have recently been diagnosed with grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma and it is cureable with chemo, surgery and radiotherapy. Its going to be a long hard road but i will beat it.  There is a good chance the lump you have found may be benign. Try to think positive, I found going for a long walk did me good and still does. Hope you get your appointment soon. Let me know how you get on, sending you positive vibes x

  • Hi [@Alibobs73]‍ 


    thankyou so much for your response and taking the time when you are going through a rough time also 

    I am going to just try and get on with life as much as possible until I know for sure, I suppose that's all we can do is carry on :) 

    It's so strange I've made decisions based on what ifs and weirdly before having this scare my decisions would have been so different but once in a situation where things are possible you really do realise health is the most important thing over anything material or they way we look etc 


    I just worry about my two sons never for me I can cope with what life offers good or bad but my heart hurts worrying about my boys as they lost a parent to cancer already xxx 


    thanks again for replying and giving me someone to talk to



  • Hi [@Luisa78]‍ 

    Yeah it is strange how your priorities and thoughts change, and you start to appreciate the little things that you never noticed before.I have 3 daughters and they have all been really supportive and I am sure your sons will be there for you if need be. I do really hope you have good news and if it isnt you can beat it. There is alot more they can do now.  I have completley changed my lifestyle and even with the snot gobbler growing in my breast and lymph nodes I feel healthier and alot more positive. I am here if you need a chat or you need to rant xxx

  • Hey [@Ali]‍ 

    Thankyou so much xxx 

    I had a mammogram today after the surgeon told me it's just a cyst suddenly I find myself having an ultrasound scan and a core biopsy (three of them) and then the surgeon says she got it wrong we need to freest this as cancer. I am so and scared now xx 

    hope you are doing ok xx


  • Hi [@Luisa78]‍ 

    So sorry that I am only just replying, I have only just seen your message.

    I am really sorry that you have had to go through this when you were told its a cyst. Have they told you when you will receive your results? Hopefully it still is a cyst. When you had your 1st appointment did they  do a mammogram to confirm it was a cyst? Omg what an ordeal you have been through being told its nothing and then being told it might be something. No wonder you are feeling worried.

    I am doing ok. Had my 1st chemo 2 weeks ago. I had the usual side effects and was unable to work but I am feeling ok and back at work now. My hair has started to fall out but Im not bothered as long as the chemo is doing its job I will take having no hair and feeling yukky as it wont be forever.

    I will add you so you can messeage me directly as I will see that straight away.

    Try and stay postitive, which I know is really hard as your thoughts will be whirling around your head. 

    Sending you a big hug and positive vibes.



  • Hey Ali 

    i literally am so shocked but I'm ready to fight if I have to. 

    you are very brave going through chemo I know a few people that have had it and it's pretty rougH

    i am ready for the worst news now and if I get better news that's a bonus 


    I'm ready to fight though as I need to be here for my two sons :) 

    not worried about boobs or hair going if it comes to that, just want it worked on ASAP if it is cancer. They said it's a solid mass with jagged edges 

    the doctor asked for my bra size, is that usual? I guess she has a fair idea of what it might be and saying we are treating this as cancer I guess maybe she already knows but biopsy to confirm 

    apparently nothing in my lymph's which I read is a good sign xx 

    Have you got support from family or friends while you go through treatment? Did you tell your girls? How often do you have to have chemo? 

  • Hi [@Luisa78]‍ 

    Thats the best attitude to have and with all the advanced treatments now you can beat it if the news is bad. 

    Yeah Chemo is rough but its doable. I want to make sure I am here for my girls and grandchildren so I am fighting.

    I have it in my Lymph nodes but the chemo will blast everything

    They asked me my bra size aswell, I didnt ask why but I think its something to do with the surgery.

    My Girls have been great about it all and really supportive. I have an army of supportive people around me and it really helps. I try and get out for a walk every day, not only does it help mentally but it is also helps when having chemo to try and exercise. 

    Do you know when you will get your results?


  • Hi [@Alibobs73]‍ 


    i have cancer invasive breast cancer grade 3 and ER positive 

    I'm shocked 

    I told my mum who had a breakdown my brother who lost it and my kids who are holding all their emotions in 


    got to have lumpectomy, I just said take both my breasts but they won't. Radio therapy chemo and then hormone therapy too. Pretty scared now hun xxx ok I'm the club and I need to stay alive but it seems very aggressive so hoping it's not spread but they say they can't know yet xx 

    how are you doing, ok I hope ️ ️