5 cm cyst

Hi I have never done this bfor so I hope some one can put my mind at rest a bit.6 weeks ago I had the symptoms of a UTI.was given 3day antibiotics.eased off for 2 days then had symptoms again.again given same 3 day antibiotic.2days later went to go out ov hours who gave me different antibiotics.this eased it off a bit but still felt like bladder was full and aching feeling .went docs next day to tell her there was a fowl odour and felt like needed a wee all the time.she done internal and swab tests and full blood count and organized a scan.she told me to come back in a week with sample.I returned week later with sample but still had symptoms of UTI.she told me it was negative but had trace of blood and was sending it lab.I asked her wot next and she sed swab tests blood tests ect had come bk clear and to wait for scan.scan app was 2 days later.had pelvic scan to which radiographer said there was cyst on left ovary.she then done internal exam with camera to which she said cyst was 5 cm.I panicked and kept saying have I got cancer.she kept saying you have a cyst.your doc will get scan results in 10 days.i am now panicking again as don't know wot type ov cyst it is as she never said.If she thought something sinister would she of sent me to another department?. I am menapausal and 50.Could the cyst be earning on bladder ?? Thanks