2WW referral


i am I driving myself crazy with worry, I had a phone appointment with the doctors on Friday as I have pain in my Collarbone for over 6 weeks, she said she want to see me, so I went to see her the same day, she checked my Collarbone and also carried out a breast Exam, to my shock she said she can feel a lump and has sent me for an urgent referral ! She has said if I don't hear by Tuesday I need to call her so she can chase it up ! 
i have just been diagnosed with mild lupus so to also now be told I have lump and sent me into an emotional spiral ! Also make it's worse I am the same age mY mum was when she found out she had bone cancer 

if anyone could give some advise on what to expect at my appointment that would be greats 

thanks x

  • Hi 2kidsandadog,

    I have a 2ww appointment next Wednesday and I understand I arrive at the clinic and meet a consultant who will examine the lump my doctor found and then from there it could  be ultrasound, mammogram and possibly biopsy. If biopsy it could be up to 2 weeks for results. This is in theory based on the phone call and letter from breast clinic. It's all new to me.   I'm in Essex , so I know there's possibly regional variations to timescales. 
    the waiting has been hard as it will be 13 days from doctor appointment to breast clinic appointment. Blinking covid means I have to face this by myself and can't take anyone along. They said I could be there 3-4 hours. So I'm going to pack some snacks, a play list and a book. 
    I've tried to keep myself busy. 
    I send my best wishes to you. I know how this uncertainty feels and it's tough going. 

  • Hi, I'm in the same boat as you - have a 2WW wait appointment booked for the coming Weds. I have found some posts on here about the breast clinic appointment and from them and my letter it seems you talk to a consultant, have tests such as a mammogram and ultrasound and then if needed a biopsy. 

    I'm so worried about the whole thing. I wish you all the best and hope you get your appointment soon x

  • I am in bed reading your post. I am in a similar circumstance. The glands below my right arm are enlarged. I feel as if I am rubbing against 'blubber' at the right hand side of my right breast. I had an appointment on Friday 26 March. She carried out an breast & underarm examination. She didn't find anything but did say my right breast was very full and she could see swelling below my arm. She said she was 'red flagging' me to the breast clinic for two reasons firstly my age (62) & secondly because my mother had a mastectomy 20 years ago. She had it at 63. I am totally past myself. I have done the goggle research which I don't normally do & I am so worried. 


    HI 2Kidsandadog, Jo-Anne, Syl and Bellabonnie,

    I see that you are all at the waiting stage, so thought that I would reply to you all together. You will find that most of the staff at these clinics are very helpful and understanding. You will see a consultant, who will talk to you about your symptoms, then your breasts will be examined. Depending upon the se findings, you will then be sent for a mammogram (if over 40), an ultrasound and possibly a biopsy. It is all very straightforward and the biopsy is usually led by the ultrasound and, is carried out under local anaesthetic.

    There is usually a 1-2 week wait to get the results of these tests and this is when you will get a diagnosis. Whatever you do, try to avoid consulting 'Dr Google' in the interim, as this will only scare you further and, remember that it's not cancer until you're told that it is. You will all feel scared at the moment, as there are so many unknowns. Whatever the outcome, you will feel better once you know what is happening.

    I lost my Mum to breast cancer and have had 2 bouts myself in the past 11 years. We are fortunate in that breast cancer is now one of the most treatable forms of cancer and many people are now living with it, instead of dying with it. Surgery and treatment are not a walk in the park, but they are perfectly 'doable'. There are a number of advances in diagnosis, treatment and aftercare of people with cancer  since my Mum passed. There is just no comparison in the treatment that we have both experienced.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you all get on and, remember that we are always here for you.

    Here's hoping for some good outcomes.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


  • It's just waiting is not nice is it 

    Sorry to hear about your mum 

    hope everything goes ok when you get your appointment


  • Thank you Jolamine

    i am only 33 so hoping it is nothing, just the shock as I didn't go to the doctors thinking I had a lump in my breast !

    is it normal For your doctor to only Give the hospital on 48 hrs to arrange your appointment ? 

    I only went Friday and my Doctor has said to call on Tuesday if I haven't had my appointment 


    thanks everyone I don't feel so alone x

  • Hi All, 

    i am again at the waiting stage, i went last yr to breast clinic luckily it was a lipoma, this time i had your experience at the GP,( i went after having to beg them to see me in person!) as i currently have a small abcess on my left breast. doc did breast exam and she found 2 lumps not related to the abcess at the outer side of left breast. I got my appointment through yesterday in the post after seeing my gp on thursday and i go on April 12th which seem ages away but only 2 weeks to go!  So i guess ahving been once i kind of know the routine but i didnt need biopsy last time but my GP thinks it will be a given this time as the lumps are deep in breast tissues apparently. I am 55 and scared to death. 

    Keep us all informed on how you go on and i will do the same i know we dont know each other but it kinda feels like we have a common goal. Take care all i will keep my eye on the thread x



    You should be seen within 2 weeks of your referral. Your GP is probably expecting that you will have been given an appointment by Tuesday, but with the current pandemic, it can be nearer to the 2 weeks before you hear anything. However, if you GP has told you this, do phone on Tuesday to see if he can get it any sooner.

    Many people of your age tend to find that their lumps are cysts, so here's hoping that this is what you find too. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi all,


    Thought I'd pop back onto this thread to share my experience of the 2WW appointment. 


    I've not long got back from mine. It was as I had expected after reading similar posts on here. I first spoke to a consultant who examined both breasts and armpit area, she then after feeling the up I had identified requested an ultrasound. I then waited back in the waiting area and was called in for the ultrasound. The ultrasound was painless, just uncomfortable from the pressure of the scan. So if you are experiencing pain maybe take some pain killers before you go. 

    Following the ultrasound I waited in the room whilst the images were taken to the consultant who confirmed she'd like a biopsy to be taken. This was the bit I was worried about. They prepped and then administered the local anaesthetic. They were so lovely and reassuring, the doctor that carried out the biopsy pre-warned me of the click of the biopsy being taken. But other than a bit of pulling I felt nothing. If anything anything pressure applied after to stop the bleeding was more uncomfortable.


    Once that was done I went back to the consultant who advised what they believe it could be but obviously they need the biopsy to confirm.

    For me personally they feel its a cluster of fibroadenoma's. They said it wasn't typical of anything they usually see - good or bad. Hopefully it is as they expect. 

    Hope you all get on OK at your 2WW appointments. I found overall the lead up to it to be far worse on me psychologically.

    Syl xx

  • Hi Syl

    i am keeping everything crossed you, please let us know how you get on 

    I have had my appointment date 14 April which will be 3 weeks from my urgent refferall, so longer wait and more worry, but not a lot I can do but wait, 

