2ww and scared

Hi there. I went to the doctor on Friday after having put it off for ages because I assumed it was nothing much - I have had a bit of a blocked left middle ear since 2018 after I caught an ear infection from my preschool daughter. That ear has always been dodgy and the ear drum has burst several times. I've got enlarged lymph glands on my neck on the same side, which I assumed were because of infection. I expected him to say 'oh yes, a chronic ear infection, here have these antibiotics', but instead he examimed me, saw that my left tonsil is enlarged, and started talking about cancer - he mentioned blood cancer and lymph cancer, and he has referred me to a head and neck cancer department. I had a FBC blood test on Monday so am waiting for those results. In the meantime, I have become much more aware of the numb/strange sensations and asymetry between my left and right sides, both internally and externally. I am veering between feeling like I am going to be absolutely fine, to feeling a great sense of dread and doom. In short, it's a nightmare. If anyone can offer me some words of wisdom or comfort, or share their experiences, I would be very grateful! Thanks, Emily x

  • Hi Emily 

    Im waiting on going to see a gynaecologist regarding a polyp in my cervix. I can understand the anxiety it causes . If you want to chat anything feel free to contact me . 



  • Thanks Sugarbabe - totally awful, isn't it? I feel like if I didn't have cancer before, all this stress will have given me it. I hope that both of us are lucky! I have to say, the relief if all this turns out to be nothing serious will be massive. The alternative is terrible to contemplate. Do you feel like it is making you reassess your life/way of being at all?

  • Hiya

    I am just anxious at the moment . If i have the cancer then i will look at life differently. I have been told by the nurses on here that polyps are not usually cancerous so im hoping that is what my results will tell me.  I hope like you mentioned we are both lucky. It is the waiting the not knowing part. If i have cancer i will try to be strong . But it wont be easy it a life changing condition but we have to be positive. I cried today for the first time and its a good release valve.




  • I cried too today - yes good, but also made me think about how there may be a lot more crying to come. Here's hoping the only crying we'll be doing again is with relief, over freaking magnums of prosecco. GOOD LUCK SUGARBABE, let me know how you get on.