24 year old with lump in breast

Hi, I'm having a lot of anxiety right now and I'm hoping someone could either give me advice or listen to my ramble. I don't usually check my breasts specifically for lumps but one a week I check for any breakouts or eczema flare up and I usually check for lumps then as well. This morning I was doing my usual check when I found a lump in my right breast, and I had a panic attack there and then. There are no other changes at all, both breasts look the same as they did when I had my first period, obviously they have changed as I got older but not by that much.

Obviously this is quite worrying to me and I have everything crossed it's nothing bad. It's quite hard to find the lump and it takes me quite a while to find it again. It's like it's connected to tissue but I'm able to move it a tiny bit. I was actually going to try and forget about it but I know I need to get it checked even if it's for peace of mind. I should also add that I tend to feel a sharp pain in that area whenever I am on my period (which I am on now). I don't know if my post makes sense but I just feel the need to ramble about everything that's happened. I wasn't actually going to tell anyone and figure this out on my own, but I did tell my boyfriend so I don't feel as alone now.

Any comments are appreciated, I have no idea what to expect when I go to the doctor's sometime next week, and as silly as it sounds I would like a little reassurance that I'm going to be fine. The last thing I want is to hear some bad news on my brithday next week. Again, I'm really sorry for the ramble but hopefully it makes sense.

  • Hello there,

    A lot of women experience breast changes that are related to hormonal fluctuations during your cycle and what you're feeling is likely to be related to that. You absolutely are doing the right thing seeing your doctor and if he/She refers you it's still like it to be nothing but they're being thorough. My birthday is next week too, are you a Libran or a Scorpio like me?

    Jane xx

  • Hi, I'm really hoping that it is something to do with my cycle, my symptoms seem to line up with that. I'm trying to keep calm and not think about the worse case scenario but it can be quite difficult with my anxiety. Also, I'm a Scorpio like you, my birthday is on the 28th.

  • Hi, if it helps to give you peace of mind I found a lump when I was 21 that turned out to be a fibroadenoma - completely benign growth and very common in our age group. Mine was moveable and small too so could be that, and important to remember most lumps are not cancer (I learnt this when I had my own anxiety panic at the time)

    I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry :happy:

  • That's what I'm hoping for it to be, either that or just a cyst. I have an appointment at 12pm today at the doctors, the nurse said not to worry and it's probably nothing because of my age but she said that I'm doing the right thing by making an appointment and going in. I'm still filled with anxiety of course which has prevented me from sleeping or eating much but I have my fingers crossed that I'll be fine.

  • I thought I should pop on to update and say that everything is fine. First I didn't check using the two finger method. I just checked by squeeing which of course is not the right way. The nurse checked me properly and she said that there is nothing wrong and everything looks perfectly fine. She also had a good explanation for my pain. I usually get the pain when I'm on my period and sometimes when I take my bra off. She said that its normal to get pains on you period especially when you or your chest is on the larger size. She did say that me losing weight will most likely help with the pain sometimes too. 

    Either way, I'm really happy that nothing is wrong, and I will make sure to check properly and phone the doctors if something doesn't look or feel right.