22mm thickness lining of womb

Hi, I have had some irregular bleeding in middle of my cycle for 6 months (ironically none this month awaiting scan) 

ultrasound shows thickness of womb at 22mm. Doc was concerned but when I said I was sue on my period she was reassured. I'm 35 with two young children and very scared it is cancer but have also been mentioned it could be fibroids. 


I am being referred to gynaecologist in next two weeks. Any experienced anything similar? 

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    Overall, it isn't very likely to be womb cancer in someone of your age, as this tends to affect much older women. Other explanations include fibroids, or pelvic inflammatory disease, or other medical conditions. 

    Your GP is being very thorough in referring you to a specialist, who can assess you fully.

    Try and not over worry about this, and hopefully you will get to find out more soon.

    Best wishes,


  • Just thought I would put an update in case anyone stumbles across it.


    I had an internal ultrasound scan which showed the womb had gone to 8mm after my period. Still too thick. They also said there was a polyp in there. The consultant did a polypectomy, without pain relief it was uncomfortable and I'm having cramping and bleeding afterwards but bearable. They also did a womb biopsy but with my age of 35, he said it was highly unlikely to be anything sinister. 

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    Thank you for letting us know what is happening. I am sorry to hear that you are feeling uncomfortable after the procedure. You may find taking over the counter painkillers until the pain gets better helpful. You could always ask your local pharmacist for advice.

    It is always unsettling waiting for results but hopefully you should know more soon. Womb cancer is uncommon in someone of your age group so try not to overthink it all if you can 

    Try and keep busy and your mind occupied until you know more.

    All the Best,


  • Hello! 
    any update on this ?

    currently 27 and awaiting a biopsy for a womb lining of 30mm worried sick 


  • Hello, and thanks for posting.

    I thought I would get back to you as it has been a little while since the previous people have posted.

    It would be unusual for you to have womb cancer at your age, as there are other more likely medical reasons why your womb lining has got thicker. 

    Until you get told what is happening it is best to not google too much as it can increase your anxiety, and remember other peoples experiences are individual to them.

    Do take care Natalie, and hopefully you will know more soon.


  • I had a polyp, they removed it there and then. It was quite painful but manageable and I had no pain relief. Afterwards was like severe period pains or like beginning of labour, lasted a few days and it stopped the bleeding in between periods. I also had my results and everything was normal. I was reassured at the polyp removal that he didn't think there would be cancer.


    I know how worried I was but I hope this can offer you some reassurance. 

    take care, I hope it is all positive news for you xx