2 week referral so scared

Hi I have a big Lump in my riggt

breast just above nipple you can feel it and see it , I’m petrified it’s cancer I carnt sleep eat . My appointment is next week just received my letter , I no deep down it’s cancer I’ve been a few times had mmmograms etc and turned out to be cysts but this lump is different it’s hard amd

big , I have children and keep crtimg

, on the letter it says 2ww gh rwe , I no the 2ww means two weeks what do the other letters mean   I’m so scarred it’s cancer I’m goimg

oit my mind with worry and carnt handle this my

anxiety is sky high and I carnt function

  • Hello, totally understand your mind going into overdrive....the worse bit is the waiting....as your imagination will be doing cartwheels! It's the not knowing....

    as soon as you know what your dealing with ( one way or the other) you will be able to crack on with it...take it from me...a complete control freak....

    keep us updated if you can Hun xxx

  • My appointment is next Thursday I’m litually goomg our my mind with worry , doctor said will more than likely have to have a biopsy, never had one before had mammograms scans but the minute she said biopsy, I knew it was urgent , I have my daughters dance competition this weekend and I no I’m going to ball my eyes out wondering wether it’s gkikg to be the last time I see her dance again I carnt handle this I keep imaging my kids and partner without me I feel sick wit with worry

  • Dear Ali, please try and calm down a little bit, a two week urgent referral is standard within the NHS so you are not left worrying about something that may well not be serious   I had one of these in March and then a scan was ordered after I'd seen the consultant.  A biopsy is also normal and not painful at all, it's to check if there is any signs of infection or other problems.  Mine came back negative just fatty hard lumps that were removed safely.  Enjoy your daughters dance competition and soon you will have some answers, the worrying is the worst part and not knowing the second.  I hope this helps a little bit to calm your thoughts.  Best wishes, Carol

  • The two week wait is not urgent, its the nhs rules they have to abide by. 

    My GP said they have a two week window in which they must see you by for their guidelines.

    My two week wait was a long one, I know waiting is horrible. But do keep busy, that helped me, house has never been so clean and my to do list at work was done! 

  • Hello Ali

    welcome to the forum. 

    The waiting is the worst isn’t it? You have come to the right place however. I’ve recently been in your shoes and this site has been my life saver. What I learnt is to keep busy. Do you have any hobbies or interests to occupy your mind? I found even something as mundane as cleaning the house was something to occupy myself until my appointment date arrived. 

    What I also learnt was to stay away from Dr Google! This will only make you panic more! If you’re stressed or anxious then come to this site,everyone here is lovely and helpful and we all know how it feels to wait. Feel free to message me if you want a chat or are worried. 

    I hope all goes well in your appointment. Do keep us updated. 

    Take care 

    Marie xxx

  • Thanks all for your lovely words my letter also says suspected cancer I’m petrified I even texted my husband as I was crying saying what if I never see you or the kids again , i lituslly feel sick with worry I carnt eat I carnt function I jist keep crying , yes I have a hobby crocheting I used to be addicted to it but now I carnt even pick my hook up , I’m having so many panicked attacks , I just don’t no how to cope with all this , I don’t even no wether it is cancer but if I’m like this now how will I be if I get told it is

  • Oh sweetheart I know exactly how you feel. It’s so hard trying to function whilst we have this worry on our minds. I won’t tell you not to worry because you will,it’s perfectly normal to do so. Take it one day at a time,get today out of the way and deal with tomorrow when it arrives. With every day that passes you’ll be a day closer to your appointment. 

    This group is a godsend. The ladies and gents on here have been such a comfort to me and they all have a wealth of knowledge and advice. 

    It’s normal to cry and panic. It’s the not knowing and the what ifs that are the worst. You’ll have good days and bad days in the run up to the appointment. When I was low or having a bad day this site would always pick me up xxx

  • Hi- try not to worry too much- it’s the waiting that’s the hardest part. 

    when you have your 2ww at Breast clinic, they will do mammograms, Ultrasound scan and biopsy if required.  The consultant will see you before & after the tests on the same day and will be able to advise you what they think.  If required you will be given a follow up appointment to discuss results and treatment. Everything is done pretty quickly. 

    Good luck

  • I am so scared I have a 2 ww dermatology after going the gp today can’t help thinking the worst gp was very stony faced and not giving anything away . I feel in the pit of my stomach I know it’s bad news. I have 3 young children I am so scared 

  • Try not to worry, the gp will not know either way. That's why they need to refer you do it can be Checked.

    Try not to think of the worst. 

    Don't google anything either. 

    Try to keep busy.