2 lumps



i would like to ask a question if that’s okayy I am 21 and I have 2 lumps around about a pea size and one is under my jaw and one is in my groin and I am a little concerned as the one in my groin i was having pain there before I found it and I spoke to my mum about and she is quite concerned and I am a little worried to go to the doctors and i just to see if I could have a little advice on what to do and where to go 

kind regards 


    Hi Crystal,

    Welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear about the two lumps that you've found. I think that you know yourself that you have to see your GP with these and, the sooner you do this the better.

    Doctors see these sort of things all the time and, will not be at all phased by them. Please phone your GP on Monday and ask for an urgent appointment. If you tell the receptionist of your findings, I'm sure that she will try to fit you in as soon as she can.

    It may be something quite simple but, If your GP is at all suspicious, they may refer you for further tests.

    Please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


  • Hi 

    jolamine and thank you for the help just worried at I am only 21 and already got a lot on and will phone on Monday to get an emergency appointment and I will definitely let you know how I get on 


    thanks crystal