19 years old - breast lump and back pain

Hi! Im 19 years old and I'm aware it's rare for someone of my age to have breast cancer, but my mind has been so consumed by it since I found a breast lump at the bottom right of my breast about 2 months ago. Rang the doctors and they told me that it wasn't an emergency and to ring again another time. Well I've rang and got an apt with the doctor, but I'm just so scared to be honest. It seems to have gotten bigger and more painful and now from reading things online (which I admit I shouldn't have done) I'm absolutely terrified. I'm finding it hard to focus on my uni work and other things in life. My boyfriends mother has metastatic breast cancer and this is probably why I'm so scared by it. Any words of support or recommendations would really be appreciated. And if anyone else my age has experienced symptoms like this?


    Hi Alginknight,

    Welcome to our forum. I am so sorry to hear about the problem you're having to get your GP to take you seriously. This is a common problem with younger people, especially during the current pandemic. You know your own breast better than anyone else, so stick to your guns, until it is properly examined.

    You will naturally be worried when you have someone so close to you with metatastic breast cancer. Fortunately, not all breast lumps are cancerous. In fact only 1 person in every 8 referred will be given a positive diagnosis. It is also unusual to have pain associated with breast cancer.

    There are a number of young people on this site who have been through what you are going through. Hopefully, some of them will come along soon. Please avoid consulting 'Dr Google'. Much of the information here is poorly researched, out of date and aimed at the spectacular - this will only serve to scare you stiff, for no useful purpose.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on with your doctor. We are always here for you.

    I sincerely hope that you can be assured that there is nothing to worry about and that you can get back to giving your uni studies your full attention.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi, not to hijack your post but I have the exact same problem, so you’re not alone! I’m 19 and have also found a breast lump, but the GP wouldn’t even give me a doctors appointment. I saw the nurse practitioner instead, who asked if it was just a mosquito bite despite the fact that I have a lump the size of a cherry - very frustrated :( As a young woman I’m finding it very hard to be taken seriously, so if anyone has any advice for dealing with NHS that would be so much appreciated :) I have a referral but was told I’m not eligible for the 2 week mandatory referral period. Is it worth calling my local breast clinic and demanding an appointment ASAP? Thanks for any advice xx

  • Hi, I am also 19 (snap) and have the exact same problem. Googling about it hasn't helped at all and has just freaked me out a LOT. I am having serious trouble even mentioning it to anyone as I am scared ***, I've had a lot of history with cancer in my family, both my mum and grandad have passed away because of it and my uncle has recently be diagnosed. Don't really know where I was going with this post other than to let you know you're not alone! xx

  • Hi Anna, hope you are doing okay! I can't recommend enough going to get it checked out if you haven't already. It took quite a bit of effort at first, and I was very frustrated that nurses did not seem to take me seriously because of my age, but in the end it was definitely worth pushing the issue because I knew something was wrong. I eventually got referred to a breast clinic where I had 2 ultrasounds and they confirmed that I have a fibroadenoma, which is a non-cancerous, totally benign breast lump - they described it as a bit of gristle, which is kinda gross, but not dangerous at all! I was freaking out so much about it, so I was super relieved when I got the diagnosis, and I could finally forget about the whole thing. I just thought I'd share my experience, because I didn't realise just how common it is to have a breast lump that is non-cancerous. I pretty much thought that lump = cancer, but that's not the case at all! So if you (or anyone else who comes across this thread) haven't done so already, really push your GP to give you an examination, so that they can refer you on to the right people, and very likely at a young age you will get a non-cancer diagnosis. Best of luck, and do go ahead and ask any questions you might have!

  • Hi. Just wondering how you are doing and if you saw gp again? In the same situation as you with back pain and a lump on breast!

  • Hey did you get this seen to! X